DISPENSABLE, a. That may be dispensed with.
DISPENSABLENESS, n. The capability of being dispensed with.
DISPENSATION, n. L. See Dispense.
1. Distribution; the act of dealing out to different persons or places; as the dispensation of water indifferently to all parts of the earth.
2. The dealing of God to his creatures; the distribution of good and evil, natural or moral, in the divine government.
Neither are Gods methods or intentions different in his dispensations to each private man.
3. The granting of a license, or the license itself, to do what is forbidden by laws or canons, or to omit something which is commanded; that is, the dispensing with a law or canon, or the exemption of a particular person from the obligation to comply with its injunctions. The pope has power to dispense with the canons of the church, but has no right to grant dispensations to the injury of a third person.
A dispensation was obtained to enable Dr. Barrow to marry.
4. That which is dispensed or bestowed; a system of principles and rites enjoined; as the Mosaic dispensation; the gospel dispensation; including, the former the Levitical law and rites; the latter the scheme of redemption by Christ.
DISPENSATIVE, a. Granting dispensation.
DISPENSATIVELY, adv. By dispensation.
DISPENSE, v.t. dispens. L., to weigh, primarily to move; and perhaps the original idea of expending was to weigh off, or to distribute by weight.
1. To deal or divide out in parts or portions; to distribute. The steward dispenses provisions to every man, according to his directions. The society dispenses medicines to the poor gratuitously or at first cost. God dispenses his favors according to his good pleasure.
2. To administer; to apply, as laws to particular cases; to distribute justice.
While you dispense the laws and guide the state.
To dispense with,
1. To permit not to take effect; to neglect or pass by; to suspend the operation or application of something required, established or customary; as, to dispense with the law, in favor of a friend; I cannot dispense with the conditions of the covenant. So we say, to dispense with oaths; to dispense with forms and ceremonies.
2. To excuse from; to give leave not to do or observe what is required or commanded. The court will dispense with your attendance, or with you compliance.
3. To permit the want of a thing which is useful or convenient; or in the vulgar phrase, to do without. I can dispense with your services. I can dispense with my cloke. In this application, the phrase has an allusion to the requisitions of law or necessity; the thing dispensed with being supposed, in some degree, necessary or required.
I could not dispense with myself from making a voyage to Caprea. Not to be imitated.
Canst thou dispense with heaven for such an oath? Not legitimate.
DISPENSE, n. Dispens.
1. Dispensation. Not used.
2. Expense; profusion. Not in use.
DISPENSED, pp. Distributed; administered.
DISPENSER, n. One who dispenses; one who distributes; one who administers; as a dispenser of favors or of the laws.
1. Distributing; administering.
2. a. That may dispense with; granting dispensation; that may grant license to omit what is required by law, or to do what the law forbids; as a dispensing power.