EAR, n. L. auris, whence auricula; audio.
1. The organ of hearing; the organ by which sound is perceived; and in general, both the external and internal part is understood by the term. The external ear is a cartilaginous funnel, attached, by ligaments and muscles, to the temporal bone.
2. The sense of hearing, or rather the power of distinguishing sounds and judging of harmony; the power of nice perception of the differences of sound, or of consonances and dissonances. She has a delicate ear for music, or a good ear.
3. In the plural, the head or person.
It is better to pass over an affront from one scoundrel,than to draw a herd about ones ears.
4. The top, or highest part.
The cavalier was up to the ears in love.
5. A favorable hearing; attention; heed; regard. Give no ear to flattery.
I cried to God--and he gave ear to me. Ps.77.
He could not gain the princes ear.
6. Disposition to like or dislike what is heard; opinion; judgment; taste.
He laid his sense closer--according to the style and ear of those times.
7. Any part of a thing resembling an ear; a projecting part from the side of any thing; as the ears of a vessel used as handles.
8. The spike of corn; that part of certain plants which contains the flowers and seeds; as an ear of wheat or maiz.
To be by the ears,------------------
To fall together by the ears,------- to fight or scuffle; to
To go together by the ears,--------- quarrel.
To set by the ears, to make strife; to cause to quarrel.
EARED, pp. Having ears; having spikes formed, as corn.
EARING, n. In seamens language, a small rope employed to fasten the upper corner of a sail to its yard.
EARING, n. A plowing of land. Gen.44.
EARRING, n. A pendant; an ornament, sometimes set with diamonds, pearls or other jewels, worn at the ear, by means of a ring passing through the lobe.