EMPIRE, n. L. imperium; See Emperor.
1. Supreme power in governing; supreme dominion; sovereignty; imperial power. No nation can rightfully claim the empire of the ocean.
2. The territory, region or countries under the jurisdiction and dominion of an emperor. An empire is usually a territory of greater extent than a kingdom, which may be and often is a territory of small extent. Thus we say, the Russian empire; the Austrian empire; the sovereigns of which are denominated emperors. The British dominions are called an empire, and since the union of Ireland, the parliament is denominated the imperial parliament, but the sovereign is called king. By custom in Europe, the empire means the German empire; and in juridical acts, it is called the holy Roman empire. Hence, we say, the diet of the empire; the circles of the empire; &c. But the German empire no longer exists; the states of Germany now form a confederacy.
3. Supreme control; governing influence; rule; sway; as the empire of reason, or of truth.
4. Any region, land or water, over which dominion is extended; as the empire of the sea.
EMPIRIC, n. Gr. to attempt; L. empiricus.
Literally, one who makes experiments. Hence its appropriate signification is, a physician who enters on practice without a regular professional education, and relies on the success of his own experience. Hence,the word is used also for a quack, an ignorant pretender to medical skill, a charlatan.
EMPIRICAL, a. Pertaining to experiments or experience.
1. Versed in experiments; as an empiric alchimist.
2. Known only by experience; derived from experiment; used and applied without science; as empiric skill; empiric remedies.
I have avoided that empirical morality that cures one vice by means of another.
EMPIRICALLY, adv. By experiment; according to experience; without science; in the manner of quacks.