EXECUTE, v.t. L. exequor, for exsequor; ex and sequor, to follow. See Seek.
1. Literally, to follow out or through. Hence, to perform; to do; to effect; to carry into complete effect; to complete; to finish. We execute a purpose, a plan, design or scheme; we execute a work undertaken, that is, we pursue it to the end.
2. To perform; to inflict; as, to execute judgment or vengeance.
3. To carry into effect; as, to execute law or justice.
4. To carry into effect the law, or the judgment or sentence on a person; to inflict capital punishment on; to put to death; as, to execute a traitor.
5. To kill.
6. To complete, as a legal instrument; to perform what is required to give validity to a writing, as by signing and sealing; as, to execute a deed or lease.
EXECUTE, v.i. To perform the proper office; to produce an effect.
EXECUTED, pp. Done; performed; accomplished; carried into effect; put to death.
EXECUTER, n. One who performs or carries into effect. See executor.
EXECUTING, ppr. Doing; performing; finishing; accomplishing; inflicting; carrying into effect.
EXECUTION, n. Performance; the act of completing or accomplishing.
The excellence of the subject contributed much to the happiness of the execution.
1. In law, the carrying into effect a sentence or judgment of court; the last act of the law in completing the process by which justice is to be done, by which the possession of land or debt, damages or cost, is obtained, or by which judicial punishment is inflicted.
2. The instrument, warrant or official order, by which an officer is empowered to carry a judgment into effect. An execution issues from the clerk of a court, and is levied by a sheriff, his deputy or a constable, on the estate, goods or body of the debtor.
3. The act of signing and sealing a legal instrument, or giving it the forms required to render it a valid act; as the execution of a deed.
4. The last act of the law in the punishment of criminals; capital punishment; death inflicted according to the forms of law.
5. Effect; something done or accomplished.
Every shot did execution.
6. Destruction; slaughter.
It is used after do, to do execution; never after make.
7. Performance, as in music or other art.
EXECUTIVE, a. egzecutive. Having the quality of executing or performing; as executive power or authority; an executive officer. Hence, in government, executive is used in distinction from legislative and judicial. The body that deliberates and enacts laws, is legislative; the body that judges, or applies the laws to particular cases, is judicial; the body or person who carries the laws into effect, or superintends the enforcement of them, is executive.
It is of the nature of war to increase the executive, at the expense of the legislative authority.
EXECUTIVE, n. The officer, whether king, president or other chief magistrate, who superintends the execution of the laws; the person who administers the government; executive power or authority in government.
Men most desirous of places in the executive gift, will not expect to be gratified, except by their support of the executive.