EXPECT, v.t. L. expecto; ex and specto, to look, that is, to reach forward, or to fix the eyes.
1. To wait for.
The guards,
By me encampd on yonder hill, expect
Their motion.
This sense, though often used by Gibbon, seems to be obsolescent.
2. To look for; to have a previous apprehension of something future, whether good or evil; to entertain at least a slight belief that an event will happen. We expect a visit that has been promised. We expect money will be paid at the time it is due, though we are often disappointed.
Expect, in its legitimate sense, always refers to a future event. The common phrase, I expect it was, is a vulgar as it is improper.
EXPECTABLE, a. To be expected; that may be expected.
EXPECTANCY, n. The act or state of expecting; expectation.
1. Something expected.
2. Hope; a looking for with pleasure.
EXPECTANCY, n. In law, a state of waiting or suspension. An estate in expectancy is one which is to take effect or commence after the determination of another estate. Estates of this kind are remainders and reversions. A remainder, or estate in remainder, is one which is limited to take effect and be enjoyed after another estate is determined. Thus when a grant of land is made to A for twenty years, and after the determination of that term, to B and his heirs forever; A is tenant for years, remainder to B in fee. In this case, the estate of B is in expectancy, that is, waiting for the determination of the estate for years. A reversion is the residue of an estate left in the grantor, to commence in possession after the determination of a particular estate granted out by him. As when A leases an estate to B for twenty years; after the determination of that period, the estate reverts to the lessor,but during the term the estate of the lessor is in expectancy.
EXPECTANT, a. Waiting; looking for.
1. An expectant estate, is one which is suspended till the determination of a particular estate.
EXPECTANT, n. One who expects; one who waits in expectation; one held in dependence by his belief or hope of receiving some good. Those who have the gift of offices are usually surrounded by expectants.
EXPECTATION, n. L. expectatio. The act of expecting or looking forward to a future event with at least some reason to believe the event will happen. Expectation differs from hope. Hope originates in desire,and may exist with little or no ground of belief that the desired event will arrive. Expectation is founded on some reasons which render the event probably. Hope is directed to some good; expectation is directed to good or evil.
The same weakness of mind which indulges absurd expectations, produces petulance in disappointment.
1. The state of expecting, either with hope or fear.
2. Prospect of good to come.
My soul, wait thou only on God, for my expectation is from him. Ps.62,
3. The object of expectation; the expected Messiah.
4. A state or qualities in a person which excite expectations in others of some future excellence; as a youth of expectation.
We now more generally say, a youth of promise.
5. In chances, expectation is applied to contingent events, and is reducible to computation. A sum of money in expectation, when an event happens, has a determinate value before that event happens. If the chances of receiving or not receiving a hundred dollars, when an event arrives, are equal; then, before the arrival of the event, the expectation is worth half the money.
EXPECTATIVE, n. That which is expected. Not used.
EXPECTER, n. One who expects; one who waits for something, or for another person.
EXPECTING, ppr. Waiting or looking for the arrival of.