FAT, a.
1. Fleshy; plump; corpulent; abounding with an oily concrete substance, as an animal body; the contrary to lean; as a fat man; a fat ox.
2. Coarse; gross.
Nay, added fat pollutions of our own.
3. Dull; heavy; stupid; unteachable.
Make the heart of this people fat. Is. 6.
4. Rich; wealthy; affluent.
These are terrible alarms to persons grown fat and wealthy.
5. Rich; producing a large income; as a fat benefice.
6. Rich; fertile; as a fat soil; or rich; nourishing; as fat pasture.
7. Abounding in spiritual grace and comfort.
They the righteous shall be fat and flourishing. Ps. 42.
FAT, n.
1. An oily concrete substance, deposited in the cells of the adipose or cellular membrane of animal bodies. In most parts of the body, the fat lies immediately under the skin. Fat is of various degrees of consistence, as in tallow, lard and oil. It has been recently ascertained to consist of two substances, stearine and elaine, the former of which is solid, the latter liquid, at common temperatures, and on the different proportions of which its degree of consistence depends.
2. The best or richest part of a thing.
Abel brought of the fat of his flock. Gen 4.
FAT, v.t. To make fat; to fatten; to make plump and fleshy with abundant food; as, to fat fowls or sheep.
FAT, v.i. To grow fat, plump and fleshy.
An old ox fats as well, and is as good, as a young one.
FATNESS, n. from fat.
1. The quality of being fat, plump, or full fed; corpulency; fullness of flesh.
Their eyes stand out with fatness. Ps. 73.
2. Unctuous or greasy matter.
3. Unctuousness; sliminess; applied to earth: hence richness; fertility; fruitfulness.
God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine. Gen. 27.
4. That which gives fertility.
Thy paths drop fatness. Ps. 65.
The clouds drop fatness.
5. The privileges and pleasures of religion; abundant blessings.
Let your soul delight itself in fatness. Is. 55.