HIGH, a. hi.
1. Extending a great distance above the surface of the earth; elevated; lofty; of great altitude; as a high mountain; a high tower.
2. Rising, or having risen, or being far above the earth; elevated; lofty; as a high flight; the clouds are high in the atmosphere.
3. Elevated above the horizon; as, how high is the sun? It is an hour high.
4. Raised above any object.
High oer their heads a moldering rock is placed.
5. Exalted in nature or dignity.
The highest faculty of the soul.
6. Elevated in rank, condition or office. We speak of high and low; of a high office; high rank; high station; a high court.
7. Possessing or governed by honorable pride; noble; exalted; magnanimous; dignified; as a man of a high mind.
8. Exalted in excellence or extent.
Solomon lived at ease, nor aimed beyond
Higher design than to enjoy his state.
9. Difficult; abstruse.
They meet to hear, and answer such high things.
10. Boastful; ostentatious.
His forces, after all the high discourses, amounted really but to eighteen hundred foot.
11. Arrogant; proud; lofty; loud.
The governor made himself merry with his high and threatening language.
12. Loud; boisterous; threatening or angry. The parties had very high words.
13. Violent; severe; oppressive.
When there appeareth on either side a high hand, violent persecution. &c.
14. Public; powerful; triumphant; glorious; or under divine protection.
The children of Israel went out of Egypt with a high hand. Ex.14.
15. Noble; illustrious; honorable; as a man of high birth.
16. Expressive of pride and haughtiness; as high looks. Is.10.
17. Powerful; mighty.
Strong is thy hand, high is thy right hand. Ps.89.
18. Possessed of supreme power, dominion or excellence.
Thou, Lord, art high above all the earth. Ps.97.
19. Great; important; solemn; held in veneration.
For that sabbath-day was a high day. John 19.
20. Violent; rushing with velocity; tempestuous; as a high wind.
21. Tumultuous; turbulent; inflamed; violent; as high passions.
22. Full; complete. It is high time to retire.
It is high time to awake from sleep. Rom.13.
23. Raised; accompanied by, or proceeding from great excitement of the feelings; as high pleasure of body or mind.
24. Rich; luxurious; well seasoned; as high fare; high living; high sauces.
25. Strong; vivid; deep; as a high color.
26. Dear; of a great price, or greater price than usual; as, to purchase at a high rate; goods are high.
27. Remote from the equator north or south; as a high latitude.
28. Remote in past time; early in former time; as high antiquity.
29. Extreme; intense; as a high heat.
30. Loud; as a high sound. but more generally,
31. In music, acute; sharp; as a high note; a high voice; opposed to low or grave.
32. Much raised; as high relief alto relievo.
33. Far advanced in art or science; as high attainments.
34. Great; capital; committed against the king, sovereign or state; as high treason, distinguished from petty treason, which is committed against a master or other superior.
35. Great; exalted; as a high opinion of ones integrity.
High church and low church, in Great Britain, a distinction introduced after the revolution. The high church were supposed to favor the papists, or at least to support the high claims to prerogative, which were maintained by the Stuarts. The low church entertained more moderate notions, manifested great enmity to popery, and were inclined to circumscribe the royal prerogatives. This distinction is now less marked, but not wholly obliterated.
High day, high noon, the time when the sun is in the meridian.
High Dutch, is the German language, as distinguished from Low Dutch or Belgic, or the cultivated German, as opposed to the vulgar dialects.
HIGH, n. An elevated place; superior region; as on high; from on high.
On high, aloud.
1. Aloft.
HIGHNESS, n. hiness. Elevation above the surface; loftiness; altitude; highth.
1. Dignity; elevation in rank, character or power.
2. Excellence; value.
3. Violence; as the highness of wind.
4. Great amount; as the highness of price.
5. Acuteness; as the highness of a note or voice.
6. Intenseness, as of heat.
7. A title of honor given to princes or other men of rank.