HOUSE, n. hous. L. casa; Heb. to put on, to cover.
1. In a general sense, a building or shed intended or used as a habitation or shelter for animals of any kind; but appropriately, a building or edifice for the habitation of man; a dwelling place, mansion or abode for any of the human species. It may be of any size and composed of any materials whatever, wood, stone, brick, &c.
2. An edifice or building appropriated to the worship of God; a temple; a church; as the house of God.
3. A monastery; a college; as a religious house.
4. The manner of living; the table.
He keeps a good house, or a miserable house.
5. In astrology, the station of a planet in the heavens, or the twelfth part of the heavens.
6. A family of ancestors; descendants and kindred; a race of persons from the same stock; a tribe. It particularly denotes a noble family or an illustrious race; as the house of Austria; the house of Hanover. So in Scripture, the house of Israel,or of Judah.
Two of a house few ages can afford.
7. One of the estates of a kingdom assembled in parliament or legislature; a body of men united in their legislative capacity, and holding their place by right or by election. Thus we say, the house of lords or peers of Great Britain; the house of commons; the house of representatives. In most of the United States, the legislatures consist of two houses, the senate, and the house of representatives or delegates.
8. The quorum of a legislative body; the number of representatives assembled who are constitutionally empowered to enact laws. Hence we say, there is a sufficient number of representatives present to form a house.
9. In Scripture, those who dwell in a house and compose a family; a household.
Cornelius was a devout man, and feared God with all his house. Acts.10.
10. Wealth; estate.
Ye devour widows houses. Matt.23.
11. The grave; as the house appointed for all living. Job.30.
12. Household affairs; domestic concerns.
Set thy house in order. 2 Kings.20.
13. The body; the residence of the soul in this world; as our earthly house. 2 Cor.5.
14. The church among the Jews.
Moses was faithful in all his house. Heb.3.
15. A place of residence. Egypt is called the house of bondage. Ex.13.
16. A square, or division on a chess board.
HOUSE, v.t. houz. To cover from the inclemencies of the weather; to shelter; to protect by covering; as, to house wood; to house farming utensils; to house cattle.
1. To admit to residence; to harbor.
Palladius wished him to house all the Helots.
2. To deposit and cover, as in the grave.
3. To drive to a shelter.
HOUSE, v.i. houz. To take shelter or lodgings; to keep abode; to reside.
To house with darkness and with death.
1. To have an astrological station in the heavens.
Where Saturn houses.
HOUSED, pp. s as z. Put under cover; sheltered.
HOUSING , n. Among seamen, a small line formed of three strands, smaller than rope-yard, used for seizings, &c.