INHABIT, v.t. L. inhabito; in and habito, to dwell.
To live or dwell in; to occupy as a place of settled residence. Wild beasts inhabit the forest; fishes inhabit the ocean, lakes and rivers; men inhabit cities and houses.
Thus saith the high and lofty One, that inhabiteth eternity--Is.57.
INHABIT, v.i. To dwell; to live; to abide.
They say wild beasts inhabit here.
INHABITABLE, a. from inhabit. Habitable; that may be inhabited; capable of affording habitation to animals. The stars may be inhabitable worlds. Some regions of the earth are not inhabitable by reason of cold or sterility. A building may be too old and decayed to be inhabitable.
1. Not habitable. L. inhabitabilis. Not in use.
INHABITANCE, n. Residence of dwellers. Little used.
INHABITANCY, n. Residence; habitancy; permanent or legal residence in a town, city or parish; or the domiciliation which the law required to entitle a pauper to demand support from the town, city or parish in which he lives, otherwise called a legal settlement, which subjects a town to support a person, if a pauper.
INHABITANT, n. A dweller; one who dwells or resides permanently in a place, or who has a fixed residence, as distinguished from an occasional lodger or visitor; as the inhabitant of a house or cottage; the inhabitants of a town, city, county or state. So brute animals are inhabitants of the regions to which their natures are adapted; and we speak of spiritual beings, as inhabitants of heaven.
1. One who has a legal settlement in a town, city or parish. The conditions or qualifications which constitute a person an inhabitant of a town or parish, so as to subject the town or parish to support him, if a pauper, are defined by the statutes of different governments or states.
INHABITATION, n. The act of inhabiting, or state of being inhabited.
1. Abode; place of dwelling.
2. Population; whole mass of inhabitants.
This word is little use.
INHABITED, pp. Occupied by inhabitants, human or irrational.
INHABITER, n. One who inhabits; a dweller; an inhabitant.
INHABITING, ppr. Dwelling in; occupying as a settled or permanent inhabitant; residing in.