INHERIT, v.t. L. hoeres, an heir. See Heir.
1. To take by descent from an ancestor; to take by succession, as the representative of the former possessor; to receive, as a right or title descendible by law from an ancestor at his decease. The heir inherits the lands or real estate of his father; the eldest son of the nobleman inherits his fathers title, and the eldest son of a king inherits the crown.
2. To receive by nature from a progenitor. The son inherits the virtues of his father; the daughter inherits the temper of her mother, and children often inherit the constitutional infirmities of their parents.
3. To possess; to enjoy; to take as a possession, by gift or divine appropriation; as, to inherit everlasting life; to inherit the promises.
--That thou mayest live, and inherit the land which Jehovah thy God giveth thee. Deut. 16.
The meek shall inherit the earth. Matt.5.
INHERIT, v.i. To take or have possession or property.
--Thou shall not inherit in our fathers house. Judges 11.
INHERITABLE, a. That may be inherited; transmissible or descendible from the ancestor to the heir by course of law; as an inheritable estate or title.
1. That may be transmitted from the parent to the child; as inheritable qualities or infirmities.
2. Capable of taking by inheritance, or of receiving by descent.
By attainder--the blood of the person attainted is so corrupted as to be rendered no longer inheritable.
INHERITABLY, adv. By inheritance.
INHERITANCE, n. An estate derived from an ancestor to an heir by succession or in course of law; or an estate which the law casts on a child or other person, as the representative of the deceased ancestor.
1. The reception of an estate by hereditary right, or the descent by which an estate or title is cast on the heir; as, the heir received the estate by inheritance.
2. The estate or possession which may descend to an heir, though it has not descended.
And Rachel and Leah answered and said, is there yet any portion or inheritance for us in our fathers house? Gen.31.
3. An estate given or possessed by donation or divine appropriation. Num.26.
4. That which is possessed or enjoyed.
Ask of me, and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance. Ps.2.
INHERITED, pp. Received by descent from an ancestor; possessed.
INHERITING, ppr. Taking by succession or right of representation; receiving from ancestors; possessing.