KNOW, v.t. no. pret. knew; pp. known. L. nosco, cognosco, Gr. although much varied in orthography. Nosco makes novi, which, with g or c prefixed, gnovi or cnovi, would coincide with know, knew. So L. cresco, crevi, coincides with grow, grew. The radical sense of knowing is generally to take, receive, or hold.
1. To perceive with certainty; to understand clearly; to have a clear and certain perception of truth, fact, or any thing that actually exists. To know a thing pre
includes all doubt or uncertainty of its existence. We know what we see with our eyes, or perceive by other senses. We know that fire and water are different substances. We know that truth and falsehood express ideas incompatible with each other. We know that a circle is not a square. We do not know the truth of reports, nor can we always know what to believe.
2. To be informed of; to be taught. It is not unusual for us to say we know things from information, when we rely on the veracity of the informer.
3. To distinguish; as, to know one man from another. We know a fixed star from a planet by its twinkling.
4. To recognize by recollection, remembrance, representation or description. We do not always know a person after a long absence. We sometimes know a man by having seen his portrait, or having heard him described.
5. To be no stranger to; to be familiar. This man is well known to us.
6. In scripture, to have sexual commerce with. Gen 4.
7. To approve.
The Lord knoweth the way of the righteous. Ps. 1.
8. To learn. Prov. 1.
9. To acknowledge with due respect. 1Thess. 5.
10. To choose; to favor or take an interest in. Amos 3.
11. To commit; to have.
He hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin. 2Cor.
12. To have full assurance of; to have satisfactory evidence of any thing, though short of certainty.
KNOWING, ppr. noing.
1. Having clear and certain perception of.
2. a. Skillful; well informed; well instructed; as a knowing man.
The knowing and intelligent part of the world.
3. Conscious; intelligent.
A knowing prudent cause.
KNOWING, n. noing. Knowledge.
KNOWINGLY, adv. noingly. With knowledge. He would not knowingly offend.