MALIGN, a. maline. L. malignus, from malus, evil. See Malady.
1. Having a very evil disposition towards others; harboring violent hatred or enmity; malicious; as malign spirits.
2. Unfavorable; pernicious; tending to injure; as a malign aspect of planets.
3. Malignant; pernicious; as a malign ulcer.
MALIGN, v.t. To regard with envy or malice; to treat with extreme enmity; to injure maliciously.
The people practice mischief against private men, whom they malign by stealing their goods and murdering them.
1. To traduce; to defame.
MALIGN, v.i. To entertain malice.
MALIGNANCY, n. See Malignant. Extreme malevolence; bitter enmity; malice; as malignancy of heart.
1. Unfavorableness; unpropitiousness; as the malignancy of the aspect of planets.
The malignancy of my fate might distemper yours.
2. Virulence; tendency to mortification or to a fatal issue; as the malignancy of an ulcer or of a fever.
MALIGNANT, a. L. malignus,maligno, from malus, evil.
1. Malicious; having extreme malevolence or enmity; as a malignant heart.
2. Unpropitious; exerting pernicious influence; as malignant start.
3. Virulent; as a malignant ulcer.
4. Dangerous to life; as a malignant fever.
5. Extremely heinous; as the malignant nature of sin.
MALIGNANT, n. A man of extreme enmity or evil intentions. Not used.
MALIGNANTLY, adv. Maliciously; with extreme malevolence.
1. With pernicious influence.
MALIGNER, n. One who regards or treats another with enmity; a traducer; a defamer.
MALIGNITY, n. L. malignitas. Extreme enmity, or evil dispositions of heart towards another; malice without provocation, or malevolence with baseness of heart; deep rooted spite.
1. Virulence; destructive tendency; as the malignity of an ulcer or disease.
2. Extreme evilness of nature; as the malignity of fraud.
3. Extreme sinfulness; enormity or heinousness; as the malignity of sin.