MOVE, v.t. moov. L. moveo.
1. To impel; to carry, convey or draw from one place to another; to cause to change place or posture in any manner or by any means. The wind moves a ship; the cartman moves goods; the horse moves a cart or carriage. Mere matter cannot move itself. Machines are moved by springs, weights, or force applied.
2. To excite into action; to affect; to agitate; to rouse; as, to move the passions.
3. To cause to act or determine; as, to move the will.
4. To persuade; to prevail on; to excite from a state of rest or indifference.
Minds desirous of revenge were not moved with gold.
But when no female arts his mind could move,
She turnd to furious hate her impious love.
5. To excite tenderness, pity or grief in the heart; to affect; to touch pathetically; to excite feeling in.
The use of images in orations and poetry is to move pity or terror.
When he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them--Matt.9.
6. To make angry; to provoke; to irritate.
7. To excite tumult or commotion.
When they had come to Bethlehem, all the city was moved about them. Ruth 1. Matt.21.
8. To influence or incite by secret agency.
God moved them to depart from him. 2 Chron.18. 2 Pet.1.
9. To shake; to agitate.
The kingdoms were moved. Ps.46. Jer.49.
10. To propose; to offer for consideration and determination; as, to move a resolution in a deliberative assembly.
11. To propose; to recommend.
They are to be blamed alike who move and who decline war upon particular respects.
12. To prompt; to incite; to instigate. Acts. 17.
MOVE, v.i. To change place or posture; to stir; to pass or go in any manner or direction from one place or part of space to another. The planets move in their orbits; the earth moves on its axis; a ship moves at a certain rate an hour. We move by walking, running or turning; animals move by creeping, swimming or flying.
On the green bank I sat and listened long,
Nor till her lay was ended could I move.
1. To have action.
In him we live, and move, and have our being. Acts.17.
2. To have the power of action.
Every moving thing that liveth, shall be meat for you.
3. To walk.
He moves with manly grace.
4. To march. The army moved and took a position behind a wood.
5. To tremble; to shake.
The foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken, because he was wroth. Ps.18.
6. To change residence. Men move with their families from one house, town or state to another.
MOVE, n. The act of moving; the act of transferring from place to place, as in chess.
MOVED, pp. Stirred; excited.
MOVING, ppr. Causing to move or act; impelling; instigating; persuading; influencing.
1. a. Exciting the passions or affections; touching; pathetic; affecting; adapted to excite or affect the passions; as a moving address or discourse.
MOVING, n. Motive; impulse.
MOVINGLY, adv. In a manner to excite the passions or affect sensibility; pathetically.
His air, his voice, his looks and honest soul,
Speak all so movingly in his behalf.