OPPOSITE, a. L. oppositus.
1. Standing or situated in front; facing; as an edifice opposite to the Exchange. Brooklyn lies opposite to New York, or on the opposite side of the river.
2. Adverse; repugnant.
- Novels, by which the reader is misled into another sort of pleasure opposite to that designed in an epic poem.
3. Contrary; as words of opposite significations; opposite terms. The medicine had an effect opposite to what was expected.
4. In botany, growing in pairs, each pair decussated or crossing that above and below it; as opposite leaves or branches.
1. An opponent; an adversary; an enemy; an antagonist.
2. That which is opposed or contrary.
1. In front; in a situation to face each other.
2. Adversely; against each other.
Winds from all quarters oppositely blow.
OPPOSITENESS, n. The state of being opposite or contrary.
OPPOSITION, n. L. oppositio.
1. Situation so as to front something else; a standing over against; as the opposition of two mountains or buildings.
2. The act of opposing; attempt to check, restrain or defeat. he makes opposition to the measure; the bill passed without opposition. Will any opposition be made to the suit, to the claim or demand?
3. Obstacle. the river meets with no opposition in its course to the ocean.
4. Resistance; as the opposition of enemies. Virtue will break through all opposition.
5. Contrariety; repugnance in principle; as the opposition of the heart to the laws of God.
6. Contrariety of interests, measures on designs. The two parties are in opposition to each other.
7. Contrariety or diversity of meaning; as one term used in opposition to another.
8. Contradiction; inconsistency.
9. The collective body of opposers; in England, the party in Parliament which opposed the ministry; in America, the party that opposed the existing administration.
10. In astronomy, the situation of two heavenly bodies, when distant from each other 180 degrees.
OPPOSITIVE, a. that may be put in opposition.