PLEASURABLE, a. plezhurable. from pleasure. Pleasing; giving pleasure; affording gratification.
Planting of orchards is very profitable as well as pleasurable.
PLEASURABLENESS, n. The quality of giving pleasure.
PLEASURABLY, adv. With pleasure; with gratification of the senses or the mind.
PLEASURE, n. plezhur.
1. The gratification of the senses or of the mind; agreeable sensations or emotions; the excitement, relish or happiness produced by enjoyment or the expectation of good; opposed to pain. We receive pleasure from the indulgence of appetite; from the view of a beautiful landscape; from the harmony of sounds; from agreeable society; from the expectation of seeing an absent friend; from the prospect of gain or success of any kind. Pleasure, bodily and mental, carnal and spiritual, constitutes the whole of positive happiness, as pain constitutes the whole of misery.
Pleasure is properly positive excitement of the passions or the mind; but we give the name also to the absence of excitement, when that excitement is painful; as when we cease to labor, or repose after fatigue, or when the mind is tranquilized after anxiety or agitation.
Pleasure is susceptible of increase to any degree; but the word when unqualified, expresses less excitement or happiness than delight or joy.
2. Sensual or sexual gratification.
3. Approbation.
The Lord taketh pleasure in his people. Ps. 147.
and 149.
4. What the will dictates or prefers; will; choice; purpose; intention; command; as, use your pleasure.
Cyrus, he is my shepherd and shall perform all my pleasure. Is.44.
My counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure.
5. A favor; that which pleases.
Festus, willing to do the Jews a pleasure, answered Paul. Acts.25.
6. Arbitrary will or choice. He can vary his scheme at pleasure.
PLEASUREFUL, a. Pleasant; agreeable. Little used.