PREVENT, v.t. L. proevenio, supra.
1. To go before; to precede.
I prevented the dawning of the morning, and cried. Ps.119.
2. To precede, as something unexpected or unsought.
The days of my affliction prevented me. Job.30.
2 Sam.22.
3. To go before; to precede; to favor by anticipation or by hindering distress or evil.
The God of my mercy shall prevent me. Ps.59.
Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings, with thy most gracious favor.
4. To anticipate.
Their ready guilt preventing thy commands.
5. To preoccupy; to pre-engage; to attempt first.
Thou hast prevented us with overtures of love.
In all the preceding senses, the word is obsolete.
6. To hinder; to obstruct; to intercept the approach or access of. This is now the only sense. No foresight or care will prevent every misfortune. Religion supplies consolation under afflictions which cannot be prevented. It is easier to prevent an evil than to remedy it.
Too great confidence in success, is the likeliest to prevent it.
PREVENT, v.i. To come before the usual time. Not in use.
PREVENTABLE, a. That may be prevented or hindered.
PREVENTED, pp. Hindered from happening or taking effect.
PREVENTER, n. One that goes before. Not in use.
1. One that hinders; a hinderer; that which hinders; as a preventer of evils or of disease.
PREVENTING, ppr. Going before.
1. Hindering; obviating.
PREVENTINGLY, adv. In such a manner or way as to hinder.
PREVENTION, n. The act of going before.
1. Preoccupation; anticipation. Little used.
2. The act of hindering; hinderance; obstruction of access or approach.
Prevention of sin is one of the greatest mercies God can vouchsafe.
3. Prejudice; prepossession; a French sense, but not in use in English.
PREVENTIONAL, a. Tending to prevent.
PREVENTIVE, a. Tending to hinder; hindering the access of; as a medicine preventive of disease.
PREVENTIVE, n. That which prevents; that which intercepts the access or approach of. Temperance and exercise are excellent preventives of debility and languor.
1. An antidote previously taken. A medicine may be taken as a preventive of disease.
PREVENTIVELY, adv. By way of prevention; in a manner that tends to hinder.