QUARREL, n. L. queror, to complain, that is, to cry out with a loud voice. Hence we see the primary sense is the same as brawl. The L. queror coincides in elements with to call, to bawl, to shout, and gearan, a complaint. Heb.
1. A brawl; a petty fight or scuffle; from its noise and uproar.
2. A dispute; a contest.
On open seas their quarrels they debate.
3. A breach of friendship or concord; open variance between parties.
4. Cause of dispute.
The kings quarrel is honorable.
5. Something that gives a right to mischief, reprisal or action.
He thought he had a good quarrel to attack him. Not used.
6. Objection; ill will, or reason to complain; ground of objection or dispute.
Herodias had a quarrel against him. Mark 6.
7. Something peevish, malicious, or disposed to make trouble. Not used.
1. An arrow with a square head. Not used unless in poetry.
2. A pane of glass; a square. See Quarry and Square.
1. To dispute violently or with loud and angry words; to wrangle; to scold. How odious to see husband and wife quarrel!
2. To fight; to scuffle; to contend; to squabble; used of two persons or of a small number. It is never used of armies and navies in combat. Children and servants often quarrel about trifles. Tavern-haunters sometimes quarrel over their cups.
3. To fall into variance.
Our people quarrel with obedience.
4. To find fault; to cavil.
I will not quarrel with a slight mistake.
Men at enmity with their God, quarreling with his attributes - quarreling with the being that made them, and who is constantly doing them good.
5. To disagree; to be at variance; not to be in accordance in form or essence.
Some things arise of strange and quarrling kind, the forepart lion, and a snake behind.
1. To quarrel with.
2. To compel by a quarrel; as, to quarrel a man out of his estate or rights.
QUARRELER, n. One who quarrels, wrangles or fights.
QUARRELING, ppr. Disputing with vehemence or loud angry words; scolding; wrangling; fighting; finding fault; disagreeing.
QUARRELING, n. supra. Contention; dispute in angry words; breach of concord; a caviling or finding fault; disagreement.
QUARRELOUS, a. Apt or disposed to quarrel; petulant; easily provoked to enmity or contention. Little used.