1. Capable of being reconciled; capable of renewed friendship. The parties are not reconcilable.
2. That may be made to agree to be consistent; consistent.
The different accounts of the numbers of ships are reconcilable.
3. Capable of being adjusted; as, the difference between the parties is reconcilable.
1. The quality of being reconcilable; consistency; as the reconcilableness of parts of Scripture which apparently disagree.
2. Possibility of being restored to friendship and harmony.
RECONCILE, v.t. L. reconcilio; re and concilio; con and calo, to call, Gr. The literal sense is to call back into union.
1. To conciliate anew; to call back into union and friendship the affections which have been alienated; to restore to friendship or favor after estrangement; as, to reconcile men or parties that have been at variance.
Go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother - Matt. 5.
We pray you in Christs stead, be ye reconciled to God.
2Cor. 5. Eph. 2. Col. 1.
2. To bring to acquiescence, content or quiet submission; with to; as, to reconcile ones self to afflictions. It is our duty to be reconciled to the dispensations of Providence.
3. To make consistent or congruous; to bring to agreement or suitableness; followed by with or to.
The great men among the ancients understood how to reconcile manual labor with affairs of state.
Some figures monstrous and misshapd appear, considered singly, or beheld too near; which but proportiond to their light and place, due distance reconciles to form and grace.
4. To adjust; to settle; as, to reconcile differences or quarrels.
RECONCILED, pp. Brought into friendship from a state of disagreement or enmity; made consistent; adjusted.
1. Reconciliation; renewal of friendship. Animosities sometimes make reconcilement impracticable.
2. Friendship renewed.
No cloud of anger shall remain, but peace assured and reconcilement.
1. One who reconciles; one who brings parties at variance into renewed friendship.
2. One who discovers the consistence of proposition.
RECONCILING, ppr. Bringing into favor and friendship after variance; bringing to content or satisfaction; showing to be consistent; adjusting; making to agree.