REWARD, v.t. a as aw. L. re, denoting return.
To give in return, either good or evil.
Thou hast rewarded me good, whereas I have rewarded thee evil. 1Sam. 24.
Hence, when good is returned for good, reward signifies to repay, to recompense, to compensate. When evil or suffering is return for injury or wickedness, reward signifies to punish with just retribution, to take vengeance on, according to the nature of the case.
I will render vengeance to my enemies; and will reward them that hate me. Deut. 32.
The Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father, with his angels, and then he shall reward every man according to his works. Matt. 16.
In the latter passage, reward signifies to render with good and evil.
1. Recompense, or equivalent return for good done, for kindness, for services and the like. Rewards may consist of money, goods or any return of kindness or happiness.
The laborer is worthy of his reward. 1Tim. 5.
Great is your reward in heaven. Matt. 5.
Rewards and punishments presuppose moral agency, and something voluntarily done, well or ill; without which respect, though we may receive good, it is only a benefit and not a reward.
2. The fruit of mens labor or works.
The dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward. Eccles. 9.
3. A bribe; a gift to pervert justice. Deut. 27.
4. A sum of money offered for taking or detecting a criminal, or for recovery of any thing lost.
5. Punishment; a just return of evil or suffering for wickedness.
Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Ps. 91.
6. Return in human applause. Matt. 6.
7. Return in joy and comfort. Ps. 19.
REWARDABLE, a. That may be rewarded; worthy of recompense.
REWARDABLENESS, n. The state of being worthy of reward.
REWARDED, pp. Requited; recompensed or punished.
REWARDER, n. One who rewards; one that requites or recompenses. Heb. 11.
REWARDING, ppr. Making an equivalent return for good or evil; requiting; recompensing or punishing.