SAVE, v.t. L. salvo. As salve is used in Latin for salutation or wishing health, as hail is in English, I suspect this word to be from the root of heal or hail, the first letter being changed. Gr. See Salt.
1. To preserve from injury, destruction or evil of any kind; to rescue from danger; as, to save a house from the flames; to save a man from drowning; to save a family from ruin; to save a state from war.
He cried, saying Lord, save me. Matt 14. Gen. 45.
2. To preserve from final and everlasting destruction; to rescue from eternal death.
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. 1Tim. 1.
3. To deliver; to rescue from the power and pollution of sin.
He shall save his people from their sins. Matt. 1.
4. To hinder from being spent or lost; as, to save the expense of a new garment. Order in all affairs saves time.
5. To prevent. method in affairs saves much perplexity.
6. To reserve or lay by for preservation.
Now save a nation, and now save a groat.
7. To spare; to prevent; to hinder from occurrence.
Will you not speak to save a ladys blush?
Silent and unobservd, to save his tears.
8. To salve; as, to save appearances.
9. To take or use opportunely, so as not to lose. The ship sailed in time to save the tide.
10. To except; to reserve from a general admission or account.
Israel burned none of them, save Hazor only. Josh. 11.
Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes, save one. 2Cor. 11.
Save is here a verb followed by an object. It is the imperative used without a specific nominative; but it is now less frequently used than except.
SAVE, v.i. To hinder expense.
Brass ordinance saveth in the quantity of the material.
SAVED, pp. Preserved from evil; injury or destruction; kept frugally; prevented; spared; taken in time.
SAVING, ppr.
1. Preserving from evil or destruction; hindering from waste or loss; sparing; taking or using in time.
2. Excepting.
3. a. Frugal; not lavish; avoiding unnecessary expenses; economical; parsimonious. But it implies less rigorous economy than parsimonious; as a saving husbandman or housekeeper.
4. That saves in returns or receipts the principal or sum employed or expended; that incurs no loss, though not gainful; as a saving bargain. The ship has made a saving voyage.
5. That secures everlasting salvation; as saving grace.
1. Something kept from being expended or lost.
By reducing the interest of the debt, the nation makes a saving.
2. Exception; reservation.
Contend not with those that are too strong for us, but still with a saving to honesty.
1. With frugality or parsimony.
2. So as to be finally saved from eternal death; as savingly converted.