1. A violent collision of bodies, or the concussion which it occasions; a viosent striking or dashing against.
The strong unshaken mounds resist the shocks
Of tides and seas. Blackmore.
2. Violent onset; conflict of contending armies or foes.
He stood the shock of a whole host of foes. Addison.
3. External violence; as the shocks of fortune.
4. Offense; impression of disgust.
Fewer shocks a staesman gives his friend. Young.
5. In electricity, the effect on the animal system of a discharge of the fluid from a charged body.
6. A pile of sheaves of wheat, rey, &c.
And cause it on shocks to be by and by set. Tusser.
Behind th emaster walks, builds up th eshocks. Thomson.
7. In New England, the number of sixteen sheaves of wheat, rye, &c. This is the sense in which this word is generally used with us.
8. A dog with long rough hair or shag. from shag.
SHOCK, v.t.
1. To shake by the sudden collision of a body.
2. To meet with force; to encounter.
3. To strike, as with horror or disgust; to cause to recoil, as from something odious or horrible; to offend extremely; to disgust. I was shocked at the sight of so much misery. A void everything that can shock the feelings of delicacy.
Advise him not to shock a fathers will. Dryden.
SHOCK, v.i. To collect sheaves into a pile; to pile sheaves.
1. Struck, as with horror; offended; disgusted.
2. Piled, as in sheaves.
1. Shaking with sudden violence.
2. Meeting in onset or violent encounter.
And now with shouts the shocking armies closd. Pope.
3. a. Striking, as with horror; causing to recoil with horror or disgust; extremely offensive or disgusting.
The French humor- is very shocking to the Italians. Addison.
SHOCKINGLY, adv. In a manner to strike with horror or disgust.