STAR, n.
1. An apparently small luminous body in the heavens, that appears in the night, or when its light is not obscured by clouds or lost in the brighter effulgence of the sun. Stars are fixed or planetary. The fixed stars are known by their perpetual twinkling, and by their being always in the same position in relation to each other. The planets do not twinkle, and they revolve about the sun. The stars are worlds, and their immense numbers exhibit the astonishing extent of creation and of divine power.
2. The pole-star. A particular application, not in use.
3. In astrology, a configuration of the planets, supposed to influence fortune. Hence the expression, You may thank your stars for such and such an event.
A pair of star-crossd lovers.
4. The figure of a star; a radiated mark in writing or printing; an asterisk; thus*; used as a reference to a note in the margin, or to fill a blank in writing or printing where letters are omitted.
5. In Scripture, Christ is called the bright and morning star, the star that ushers in the light of an eternal day to his people. Revelations 22. Ministers are also called stars in Christs right hand, as, being supported and directed by Christ, they convey light and knowledge to the followers of Christ. Revelations 1. The twelve stars which form the crown of the church, are the twelve apostles. Revelations 12.
6. The figure of a star; a badge of rank; as stars and garters.
The pole-star, a bright star in the tail of Ursa minor, so called from its being very near the north pole.
Star of Bethlehem, a flower and plant of the genus Ornithogalum. There is also the star of Alexandria, and of Naples, and of Constantinople, of the same genus.
STAR, v.t. To set or adorn with stars or bright radiating bodies; to bespangle; as a robe starred with gems.
STARRED, pp. or a. from star.
1. Adorned or studded with stars; as the starred queen of Ethiopia.
2. Influenced in fortune by the stars.
My third comfort, starrd most unluckily--
STARRING, ppr. or a.
1. Adorning with stars.
2. Shining; bright; sparkling; as starring comets. Not in use.