STRENGTH, n. See Strong.
1. That property or quality of an animal body by which it is enabled to move itself or other bodies. We say, a sick man has not strength to walk, or to raise his head or his arm. We say, a man has strength to lift a weight, or to draw it. This quality is called also power and force. But force is also used to denote the effect of strength exerted, or the quantity of motion. Strength in this sense, is positive, or the power of producing positive motion or action, and is opposed to weakness.
2. Firmness; solidity or toughness; the quality of bodies by which they sustain the application of force without breaking or yielding. Thus we speak of the strength of a bone, the strength of a beam, the strength of a wall, the strength of a rope. In this sense, strength is a passive quality, and is opposed to weakness or frangibility.
3. Power or vigor of any kind.
This act shall crush the strength of Satan.
Strength there must be either of love or war.
4. Power of resisting attacks; fastness; as the strength of a castle or fort.
5. Support; that which supports; that which supplies strength; security.
God is our refuge and strength. Psalm 46.
6. Power of mind; intellectual force; the power of any faculty; as strength of memory; strength of reason; strength of judgment.
7. Spirit; animation.
Me thinks I feel new strength within me rise.
8. Force of writing; vigor; nervous diction. The strength of words, of style, of expression and the like, consists in the full and forcible exhibition of ideas, by which a sensible or deep impression is made on the mind of a hearer or reader. It is distinguished from softness or sweetness. Strength of language enforces an argument, produces conviction, or excites wonder or other strong emotion; softness and sweetness give pleasure.
And praise the easy vigor of a line, where Denhams strength and Wellers sweetness join.
9. Vividness; as strength of colors or coloring.
10. Spirit; the quality of any liquor which has the power of affecting the taste, or of producing sensible effects on other bodies; as the strength of wine or spirit; the strength of an acid.
11. The virtue or spirit of any vegetable, or of its juices or qualities.
12. Legal or moral force; validity; the quality of binding, uniting or securing; as the strength of social or legal obligations; the strength of law; the strength of public opinion or custom.
13. Vigor; natural force; as the strength of natural affection.
14. That which supports; confidence.
The allies, after a successful summer, are too apt upon the strength of it to neglect preparation for the ensuing campaign.
15. Amount of force, military or naval; an army or navy; number of troops or ships well appointed. What is the strength of the enemy by land, or by sea?
16. Soundness; force; the quality that convinces, persuades or commands assent; as the strength of an argument or of reasoning; the strength of evidence.
17. Vehemence; force proceeding from motion and proportioned to it; as the strength of wind or a current of water.
18. Degree of brightness or vividness; as the strength of light.
19. Fortification; fortress; as an inaccessible strength. Not in use.
20. Support; maintenance of power.
What they boded would be a mischief to us, you are providing shall be one of our principal strengths. Not used.
STRENGTH, v.t To strengthen. Not in use.