SUFFER, v.t.L. suffero; sub, under, and fero, to bear; as we say, to undergo.
1. To feel or bear what is painful, disagreeable or distressing, either to the body or mind; to undergo. We suffer pain of body; we suffer grief of mind. The criminal suffers punishment; the sinner suffers the pangs of conscience in this life, and is condemned to suffer the wrath of an offended God. We often suffer wrong; we suffer abuse; we suffer injustice.
2. To endure; to support; to sustain; not to sink under.
Our spirit and strength entire,
Strongly to suffer and support our pains.
3. To allow; to permit; not to forbid or hinder. Will you suffer yourself to be insulted?
I suffer them to enter and possess.
Thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbor, and not suffer sin upon him. Lex.19.
4. To undergo; to be affected by. Substances suffer an entire change by the action of fire, or by entering into new combinations.
5. To sustain; to be affected by; as, to suffer loss or damage.
SUFFER,v.i. To feel or undergo pain of body or mind; to bear what is inconvenient. We suffer with pain, sickness or sorrow. We suffer with anxiety. We suffer by evils past and by anticipating others to come. We suffer from fear and from disappointed hopes.
1. To undergo, as punishment.
The father was first condemned to suffer on a day appointed,and the son afterwards, the day following.
2. To be injured; to sustain loss or damage. A building suffers for want of seasonable repairs. It is just that we should suffer for neglect of duty.
Public business suffers by private infirmities.
SUFFERABLE, a. That may be tolerated or permitted; allowable.
1. That may be endured or borne.
SUFFERABLY, adv. Tolerably; so as to be endured.
SUFFERANCE, n. The bearing of pain; endurance; pain endured; misery.
He must not only die,
But thy unkindness shall the death draw out
To lingring sufferance.
1. Patience; moderation; a bearing with patience.
But hasty heat tempring with sufferance wise.
2. Toleration; permission; allowance; negative consent by not forbidding or hindering.
In process of time, sometimes by sufferance, sometimes by special leave and favor, they erected to themselves oratories.
In their beginning, they are weak and wan,
But soon through sufferance grow to fearful end.
An estate at sufferance, in law, is where a person comes into possession of land by lawful title, but keeps it after the title ceases, without positive leave of the owner.
SUFFERED, pp. Borne; undergone; permitted; allowed.
SUFFERER, n. One who endures or undergoes pain, either of body or mind; one who sustains inconvenience or loss; as suffers by poverty or sickness. Men are sufferers by fire or losses at sea; they are sufferers by the ravages of an enemy; still more are they sufferers by their own vices and follies.
1. One that permits or allows.
SUFFERING, ppr. Bearing; undergoing pain, inconvenience or damage; permitting; allowing.
SUFFERING, n. The bearing of pain, inconvenience or loss; pain endured; distress, loss or injury incurred; as sufferings by pain or sorrow; sufferings by want or by wrongs.