TEMPORAL, a. L. temporalis, from tempus, time.
1. Pertaining to this life or this world or the body only; secular; as temporal concerns; temporal affairs. In this sense, it is opposed to spiritual. Let not temporal affairs or employments divert the mind from spiritual concerns, which are far more important.
In this sense also it is opposed to ecclesiastical; as temporal power, that is, secular, civil or political power; temporal courts, those which take cognizance of civil suits. Temporal jurisdiction is that which regards civil and political affairs.
2. Measured or limited by time, or by this life or this state of things; having limited existence; opposed to eternal.
The things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Cor.4.
3. In grammar, relating to a tense; as a temporal augment.
4. Pertaining to the temple or temples of the head; as the temporal bone; a temporal artery or vein; temporal muscle.
TEMPORALLY, adv. With respect to time or this life only.
TEMPORALNESS, n. Worldliness. Not used.
TEMPORALS, n. Secular possessions; revenues of an ecclesiastic proceeding from lands, tenements, or lay-fees, tithes and the like. It is opposed to spiritualities.
TEMPORIZATION, n. The act of temporizing.
TEMPORIZE, v.i. L. tempus, time.
1. To comply with the time or occasion; to humor or yield to the current of opinion or to circumstances; a conduct that often indicates obsequiousness.
They might their grievance inwardly complain,
But outwardly they needs must temporize.
2. To delay; to procrastinate.
Well, you till temporize with the hours. Little used.
3. To comply. Not in use.
TEMPORIZER, n. One who yields to the time, or complies with the prevailing opinions, fashions or occasions; a trimmer.
TEMPORIZING, ppr. Complying with the time, or with the prevailing humors and opinions of men; time-serving.