1. Dense; not thin; as thick vapors; a thick fog.
2. Inspissated; as, the paint is too thick.
3. Turbid; muddy; feculent; not clear; as, the water of a river is thick after a rain.
4. Noting the diameter of a body; as a piece of timber seven inches thick.
My little finger shall be thicker than my fathers loins. 1 Kings 12.
5. Having more depth or extent from one surface to its opposite than usual; as a thick plank; thick cloth; thick paper.
6. Close; crowded with trees or other objects; as a thick forest or wood; thick grass; thick corn.
The people were gathered thick together.
7. Frequent; following each other in quick succession. The shot flew thick as hail.
Favors came thick upon him.
Not thicker billows beat the Libyan main.
8. Set with things close to each other; not easily pervious.
Black was the forest, thick with beech it stood.
9. Not having due distinction of syllables or good articulation; as a thick utterance.
He speaks too thick.
10. Dull; somewhat deaf; as thick of hearing.
THICK, n. The thickest part, or the time when anything is thickest.
In the thick of the dust and smoke he presently entered his men.
1. A thicket. Not in use.
Thick and thin, whatever is in the way.
Through thick and thin she followd him.
THICK, adv. Frequently; fast.
I hear the trampling of thick beating feet.
1. Closely; as a plat of ground thick sown.
2. To a great depth, or to a thicker depth than usual; as a bed covered thick with tan; land covered thick with manure.and threefold, in quick succession, or in great numbers. Not in use.
THICK, v.i. To become thick or dense. Not used.
THICKNESS, n. The state of being thick; denseness; density; as the thickness of fog, vapor or clouds.
1. The state of being concrete or inspissated; consistence; spissitude; as the thickness of paint or mortar; the thickness of honey; the thickness of the blood.
2. The extent of a body from side to side, or from surface to surface; as the thickness of a tree; the thickness of a board; the thickness of the hand; the thickness of a layer of earth.
3. Closeness of the parts; the state of being crowded or near; as the thickness of trees in a forest; the thickness of a wood.
4. The state of being close, dense or impervious; as the thickness of shades.
5. Dullness of the sense of hearing; want of quickness or acuteness; as thickness of hearing.