THUNDER, n. L. tonitru, from tono, to sound.
1. The sound which follows an explosion of electricity or lightning; the report of a discharge of electrical fluid, that is, of its passage from one cloud to another, or from a cloud to the earth, or from the earth to a cloud. When this explosion is near to a person, the thunder is a rattling or clattering sound, and when distant, the sound is heavy and rumbling. The fact is in some degree the same with the report of a cannon. This sharpness or acuteness of the sound when near, and the rumbling murmur when distant, are the principal distinctions in thunder. Thunder is not lightning, but the effect of it. See Johnsons Dictionary, under thunder.
There were thunders and lightnings. Ex.19.
2. Thunder is used for lightning, or for a thunderbolt, either originally through ignorance, or by way of metaphor, or because the lightning and thunder are closely united.
The revenging gods
Gainst parricides all the thunder bend.
3. Any loud noise; as the thunder of cannon.
Sons of thunder. Mark 3.
4. Denunciation published; as the thunders of the Vatican.
THUNDER, v.i. To sound, rattle or roar, as an explosion of electricity.
Canst thou thunder with a voice like him? Job 40.
1. To make a loud noise, particularly a heavy sound of some continuance.
His dreadful voice no more
Would thunder in my ears.
2. To rattle, or give a heavy rattling sound.
And roll the thundring chariot oer the ground.
THUNDER, v.t. To emit with noise and terror.
Oracles severe
Were daily thunderd in our genrals ear.
1. To publish any denunciation or threat.
An archdeacon, as being a prelate, may thunder out an ecclesiastical censure.
THUNDERER, n. He that thunders.
THUNDERING, ppr. Making the noise of an electrical explosion; uttering a loud sound; fulminating denunciations.
THUNDERING, n. The report of an electrical explosion; thunder.
Entreat the Lord that there by no more mighty thunderings and hail. Ex.9.