TRANSLATABLE, a. from translate. Capable of being translated or rendered into another language.
TRANSLATE, v.t. L. translatus, from transfero; trans, over, and fero, to bear.
1. To bear, carry or remove from one place to another. It is applied to the removal of a bishop from one see to another.
The bishop of Rochester, when the king would have translated him to a better bishoprick, refused.
2. To remove or convey to heaven, as a human being, without death.
By faith Enoch was translated, that he should not see death. Heb. 16.
3. To transfer; to convey from one to another. 2 Sam. 3.
4. To cause to remove from one part of the body to another; as, to translate a disease.
5. To change.
Happy is your grace,
That can translate the stubbornness of fortune
Into so quiet and so sweet a style.
6. To interpret; to render into another language; to express the sense of one language in the words of another. The Old Testament was translated into the Greek language more than two hundred years before Christ. The Scriptures are now translated into most of the languages of Europe and Asia.
7. To explain.
TRANSLATED, pp. Conveyed from one place to another; removed to heaven without dying; rendered into another language.
TRANSLATING, ppr. Conveying or removing from one place to another; conveying to heaven without dying; interpreting in another language.
TRANSLATION, n. L. translatio.
1. The act of removing or conveying from one place to another; removal; as the translation of a disease from the foot to the breast.
2. The removal of a bishop from one see to another.
3. The removal of a person to heaven without subjecting him to death.
4. The act of turning into another language; interpretation; as the translation of Virgil or Homer.
5. That which is produced by turning into another language; a version. We have a good translation of the Scriptures.
TRANSLATOR, n. One who renders into another language; one who expresses the sense of words in one language by equivalent words in another.