WILD, a. G.
1. Roving; wandering; inhabiting the forest or open field; hence, not tamed or domesticated; as a wild boar; a wild ox; a wild cat; a wild bee.
2. Growing without culture; as wild parsnep; wild cherry; wild tansy. Wild rice, a palatable and nutritious food, grows spontaneously in the lakes and ponds of the North West territory.
3. Desert; not inhabited; as a wild forest.
4. Savage; uncivilized; not refined by culture; as the wild natives of Africa or America.
5. Turbulent; tempestuous; irregular; as a wild tumult.
The wild winds howl.
6. Licentious; ungoverned; as wild passions.
Valor grown wild by pride--
7. Inconstant; mutable; fickle.
In the ruling passion, there also the wild are constant, and the cunning known.
8. Inordinate; loose.
A fop well dressd, extravagant and wild.
9. Uncouth; loose.
--What are these, so witherd, and so wild in their attire?
10. Irregular; disorderly; done without plan or order; as, to make wild work.
11. Not well digested; not framed according to the ordinary rules of reason; not being within the limits of probable practicability; imaginary; fanciful; as a wild project or scheme; wild speculations.
12. Exposed to the wind and sea; as a wild roadstead.
13. Made or found in the forest; as wild honey.
Wild is prefixed to the names of many plants, to distinguish them from such of the name as are cultivated in gardens, as wild basil, wild parsnep, wild carrot, wild olive, &.
WILD, n. A desert; an uninhabited and uncultivated tract or region; a forest or sandy desert; as the wilds of America; the wilds of Africa; the sandy wilds of Arabia.
Then Libya first, of all her moisture draind, became a barren waste, a wild of sand.
WILDING, n. A wild sour apple.
1. Rudeness; rough uncultivated state; as the wildness of a forest or heath.
2. Inordinate disposition to rove; irregularity of manners; as the wildness of youth.
3. Savageness; brutality.
4. Savage state; rudeness.
5. Uncultivated state; as the wildness of land.
6. A wandering; irregularity.
Delirium is but a short wildness of the imagination.
7. Alienation of mind.
8. State of being untamed.
9. The quality of being undisciplined, or not subjected to method or rules.
Is there any danger that this discipline will tame too much the fiery spirit, the enchanting wildness, and magnificent irregularity of the orators genius?
WILDS, n. Among farmers, the part of a plow by which it is drawn.