WING, n.
1. The limb of a fowl by which it flies. In a few species of fowls, the wings do not enable them to fly; as is the case with the dodo, ostrich, great auk, and penguin; but in the two former, the wings assist the fowls in running.
2. The limb of an insect by which it flies.
3. In botany, the side petal of a papilionaceous corol; also, an appendage of seeds, by means of which they are wafted in the air and scattered; also, any membranous or leafy dilatation of a footstalk, or of the angles of a stem, branch or flower stalk, or of a calyx.
4. Flight; passage by the wind; as, to be on the wind; to take wing.
5. Means of flying; acceleration. Fear adds wings to flight.
6. Motive or incitement of flight.
Then fiery expedition be my wing.
7. The flank or extreme body or part of an army.
8. Any side-piece.
9. In gardening, a side-shoot.
10. In architecture, a side-building, less than the main edifice.
11. In fortification, the longer sides of hornworks, crown-works, &c.
12. In a fleet, the ships on the extremities, when ranged in a line, or when forming the two sides of a triangle.
13. In a ship, the wings are those parts of the hold and orlop deck, which are nearest the sides.
14. In Scripture, protection; generally in the plural. Psalm 63. Exodus 19.
On the wings of the wind, with the utmost velocity. Psalm 18.
WING, v.t.
1. To furnish with wings; to enable to fly or to move with celerity.
Who heaves old ocean, and who wings the storms.
2. To supply with side bodies; as on either side well winged.
3. To transport by flight.
I, an old turtle, will wing me to some witherd bough.
Edge the keen sword, and wing th unerring ball.
To wing a flight, to exert the power of flying.
1. Furnished with wings; transported by flying.
2. a. Having wings; as a winged fowl. Genesis 1.
3. Swift; rapid; as with winged haste.
4. Wounded; hurt.
5. In botany, furnished with longitudinal membranous appendages, as a winged stalk or stem; or with downy or hairy appendages, as winged seeds.
Winged petiole, having a thing membrane or border on each side, or dilated on the sides.
Winged leaf, a pennate leaf; a species of compound leaf, wherein a simple leaf has several leaflets fastened to each side of it.
6. In heraldry, represented with wings, or having wings of a different color from the body.
7. Fanned with wings; swarming with birds.