Changeful Christians
Colossians 1:23
If you continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which you have heard…
Oh, how many there are that are never settled. The tree which should be transplanted every week would soon die. Nay, if it were moved, no matter how skilfully, once every year, no gardener would expect fruit from it. How many Christians there be that are transplanting themselves constantly, even as to their doctrinal sentiments. There be some who believe according to the last speaker; and there be others who do not know what they do believe, but they believe almost anything that is told them. Men have come to believe that it does not matter what they do believe — who are like the weathercock upon the steeple, they will turn just as the wind blows. As good Mr. Whitfield said, "You might as well measure the moon for a suit of clothes as tell their doctrinal sentiments," for they are ever changing. Now, I pray that this may be taken away from any of you, if this be your weakness, and that you may be settled.