1. Instituted by God. Ge 17:9,10.
2. Described. Ge 17:11; Ex 4:25.
3. Enforced by the law. Le 12:3; Joh 7:22.
4. Called the
a. Covenant of circumcision. Ac 7:8.
b. Circumcision in the flesh. Eph 2:11.
c. Concision. Php 3:2.
5. A painful and bloody rite. Ex 4:26; Jos 5:8.
6. Promises to Abraham previous to. Ro 4:9,13.
7. A seal of the covenant. Ge 17:11; Ro 4:11.
8. Introductory Jewish ordinances. Ga 5:3.
9. Outward sign of. Ro 2:28.
10. Inward grace. Ro 2:29.
11. Necessary to enjoying the privileges of the Jewish State. Ex 12:48; Eze 44:7.
12. Was performed
a. On males home-born and bought. Ge 17:12,13.
b. On the eighth day. Ge 17:12; Le 12:3.
c. Even on the sabbath day. Joh 7:22,23.
d. With knives of flint. Ex 4:25; Jos 5:3.
e. By the heads of families. Ge 17:23; Ex 4:25.
f. By persons in authority. Jos 5:3.
g. In the presence of the family, &c. Lu 1:58-61.
13. Accompanied with naming the child. Ge 21:3,4; Lu 1:59; 2:21.
14. First performed on Abraham and his family. Ge 17:24-27.
15. Not performed in the wilderness. Jos 5:5.
16. Performed by Joshua at Gilgal. Jos 5:2,7.
17. Punishment for neglecting. Ge 17:14; Ex 4:24,26.
18. Without faith, vain. Ro 3:30; Ga 5:6.
19. Without obedience, vain. Ro 2:25; 1Co 7:19.
20. The Jews
a. Denominated by. Ac 10:45; Ga 2:9.
b. Held it unlawful to intermarry with those not of the. Ge 34:14; Jdj 14:3.
c. Held no intercourse with those not of the. Ac 10:28; 11:3; Ga 2:12.
d. Despised as unclean those not of the. 1Sa 14:6; 17:26; Mt 15:26,27; Eph 2:11,15.
21. Sometimes performed on slain enemies. 1Sa 18:25-27; 2Sa 3:14.
22. Abolished by the gospel. Eph 2:11,15; Col 3:11.
23. Performed on Timothy as a matter or expediency because of the Jews. Ac 16:3.
24. Necessity of, denied by Paul. Ga 2:3-5.
25. Necessity of, asserted by false teachers. Ac 15:24; Ga 6:12; Tit 1:10.
26. Trusting to, a denial of Christ. Ga 3:3,4; 5:3,4.
27. Paul denounced for opposing. Ac 21:21.
28. Saints the true spiritual. Php 3:3; Col 2:11.
29. Illustrative of
a. Readiness to hear and obey. Jer 6:10.
b. Purity of heart. De 10:16; 30:6.
c. Purity of speech. Ex 6:12.