1. First mention of. Ge 4:17.
2. Designed for habitations. Ps 107:7,36.
3. Often built to perpetuate a name. Ge 11:4.
4. Often founded and enlarged by blood and rapine. Mic 3:10; Hab 2:12.
5. Built
a. Of brick and slime. Ge 11:3.
b. Of stone and wood. Ps 102:14; Eze 26:12.
c. Of brick and mortar. Ex 1:11,14.
d. On solid foundations. Ezr 6:3; Re 21:14.
e. With compactness. Ps 122:3.
f. Often of a square form. Re 21:16.
g. Beside rivers. Ps 46:4; 137:1.
h. On hills. Mt 5:14; Lu 4:29; Re 17:9.
i. In plains. Ge 11:2,4; 13:12.
j. In desert places. 2Ch 8:4; Ps 107:35,36.
k. In pleasant situations. 2Ki 2:19; Ps 48:2.
6. Arranged in streets and lanes. Nu 22:39; Zec 8:5; Lu 14:21.
7. Entered through gates. Ge 34:24; Ne 13:19,22.
8. Surrounded with walls. De 1:28; 3:5.
9. Often fortified by nature. Ps 125:2; Isa 33:16.
10. Often fortified by art. 2Ch 11:5-10,23; Ps 48:12,13; Jer 4:5; Da 11:15.
11. Sometimes had suburbs. Nu 35:2; Jos 21:3.
12. Were called for
a. The family of the founder. Ge 4:17; Jdj 18:29.
b. The proprietor of the land. 1Ki 16:24.
c. The country in which built. Da 4:29,30.
13. Numerous. Jos 15:21; 1Ch 2:22; Jer 2:28.
14. Densely inhabited. Jon 4:11; Na 3:8.
15. Often great and goodly. Ge 10:12; De 6:10; Da 4:30; Jon 3:3.
16. Often of great antiquity. Ge 10:11,12.
17. Often insignificant. Ge 19:20; Ec 9:14.
18. Different kinds of
a. Royal. Nu 21:26; Jos 10:2; 2Sa 12:26.
b. Fenced. Jos 10:20; Isa 36:1.
c. Treasure. Ex 1:11.
d. Commercial. Isa 23:11; Eze 27:3.
e. Chariot. 2Ch 1:14; 9:25.
f. Store. 2Ch 8:4,6.
g. Levitical. Le 25:32,33; Nu 35:7,8.
h. Refuge. Nu 35:6.
19. Inhabitants of, called citizens. Ac 21:39.
20. Prosperity of, increased by commerce. Ge 49:13; De 33:18,19; Eze 28:5.
21. Artificial mode of supplying water to. 2Ki 18:17; 20:20.
22. Infested by dogs. 1Ki 14:11; Ps 59:6,14.
23. Under governors. 2Ch 33:14; 2Co 11:32.
24. Provided with judges. De 16:18; 2Ch 19:5.
25. Protected at night by watchmen. Ps 127:1; Song 5:7; Isa 21:11.
26. Furnished with stores. 2Ch 11:11,12.
27. Garrisoned in war. 2Ch 17:2,19.
28. Often had citadels. Jdj 9:51.
29. A great defence to a country. 2Ch 11:5.
30. Afforded refuge in times of danger. Jer 8:14-16.
31. Often deserted on the approach of an enemy. 1Sa 31:7; Jer 4:20.
32. Were frequently
a. Stormed. Jos 8:3-7; Jdj 9:44.
b. Besieged. De 28:52; 2Ki 19:24,25.
c. Pillaged. Isa 13:16; Jer 20:5.
d. Wasted by pestilence. 1Sa 5:11.
e. Wasted by famine. Jer 52:6; Am 4:6.
f. Depopulated. Isa 17:9; Eze 26:19.
g. Burned. Jdj 20:38,40; Isa 1:7.
h. Made heaps of ruins. Isa 25:2.
i. Razed and sown with salt. Jdj 9:45.
33. Difficulty of taking, alluded to. Pr 18:19; Jer 1:18,19.
34. Perishable nature of. Heb 13:14.
35. Illustrative of
a. Saints. Mt 5:14.
b. Visible church. Song 3:2,3; Re 11:2.
c. Church triumphant. Re 21:2; 22:19.
d. Heavenly inheritance. Heb 11:16.
e. The apostasy. Re 16:10; 17:18.
f. Riches. Pr 10:15.