1. The barter of one commodity for another. 1Ki 5:8,11.
2. The exchange of commodities for money. 1Ki 10:28,29.
3. Called
a. Trade. Ge 34:10; Mt 25:16.
b. Traffic. Ge 42:34; Eze 17:4.
c. Buying and selling. Jas 4:13.
4. Articles of, called
a. Merchandise. Eze 26:12; Mt 22:5.
b. Wares. Jer 10:17; Eze 27:16; Jon 1:5.
5. Persons engaged in, called
a. Merchants. Ge 37:28; Pr 31:24.
b. Chapmen. 2Ch 9:14.
c. Traffickers. Isa 23:8.
d. Sellers and buyers. Isa 24:2.
6. Carried on in fairs, &c. Eze 27:12,19; Mt 11:16.
7. Inland, by caravans. Job 6:19; Isa 21:13.
8. Maritime, by ships. 2Ch 8:18; 9:21.
9. Persons of distinction engaged in. Isa 23:8.
10. Increased the wealth of nations and individuals. 2Ch 9:20-22; Pr 31:14-18; Eze 28:4,5.
11. Carried on by
a. Ishmaelites. Ge 37:25.
b. Egyptians. Ge 42:2-34.
c. Ethiopians. Isa 45:14.
d. Ninevites. Na 3:16.
e. Syrians. Eze 27:16,18.
f. People of Tarshish. Eze 27:25.
g. People of Tyre. Eze 28:5,13,16.
h. Jews. Eze 27:17.
12. Of the Jews
a. Under strict laws. Le 19:36,37; 25:14,17.
b. Commenced after their settlement in Canaan. Ge 49:13; Jdj 5:17.
c. Greatly extended by Solomon. 1Ki 9:26,27; 2Ch 9:21.
d. Checked in Jehoshaphat’s time. 1Ki 22:48,49.
13. Success in, led to pride, &c. Eze 28:2,16-18.
14. Evil practices connected with. Pr 20:14; Eze 22:13; Ho 12:7.
15. Denunciations connected with abuses of. Isa 23:11; Eze 7:12,13; 27:32-36; 28:16-18.
16. Articles of
a. Blue cloth. Eze 27:24.
b. Brass. Eze 27:13.
c. Corn. 1Ki 5:11; Eze 27:17.
d. Cattle. Eze 27:21.
e. Chests of rich apparel. Eze 27:24.
f. Chariots. 1Ki 10:29.
g. Clothes for chariots. Eze 27:20.
h. Embroidery. Eze 27:16,24.
i. Gold. 2Ch 8:18.
j. Honey. Eze 27:17.
k. Horses. 1Ki 10:29; Eze 27:14.
l. Ivory. 2Ch 9:21; Eze 27:15.
m. Iron and steel. Eze 27:12,19.
n. Land. Ge 23:13-16; Ru 4:3.
o. Lead. Eze 27:12.
p. Linen. 1Ki 10:28.
q. Oil. 1Ki 5:11; Eze 27:17.
r. Perfumes. Song 3:6.
s. Precious stones. Eze 27:16,22; 28:13,16.
t. Purple. Eze 27:16.
u. Slaves. Ge 37:28,36; De 24:7.
v. Silver. 2Ch 9:21.
w. Timber. 1Ki 5:6,8.
x. Tin. Eze 27:12.
y. White wool. Eze 27:18.
z. Wine. 2Ch 2:15; Eze 27:18.
17. Illustrative of intercourse with the apostasy. Re 18:3-19.