1. Often sent as punishment. De 28:21; Joh 5:14.
2. Often brought from other countries. De 7:15.
3. Often through Satan. 1Sa 16:14-16; Job 2:7.
4. Regarded as visitations. Job 2:7-10; Ps 38:2,7.
5. Intemperance a cause of. Ho 7:5.
6. Sins of youth a cause of. Job 20:11.
7. Over-excitement a cause of. Da 8:27.
8. Were many and divers. Mt 4:24.
9. Mentioned in scripture
a. Ague. Le 26:16.
b. Abscess. 2Ki 20:7.
c. Atrophy. Job 16:8; 19:20.
d. Blindness. Job 29:15; Mt 9:27.
e. Boils and blains. Ex 9:10.
f. Consumption. Le 26:16; De 28:22.
g. Demoniacal possession. Mt 15:22; Mr 5:15.
h. Deafness. Ps 38:13; Mr 7:32.
i. Debility. Ps 102:23; Eze 7:17.
j. Dropsy. Lu 14:2.
k. Dumbness. Pr 31:8; Mt 9:32.
l. Dysentery. 2Ch 21:12-19; Ac 28:8.
m. Emerods. De 28:27; 1Sa 5:6,12.
n. Fever. De 28:22; Mt 8:14.
o. Impediment speech. Mr 7:32.
p. Itch. De 28:27.
q. Inflammation. De 28:22.
r. Issue of blood. Mt 9:20.
s. Lameness. 2Sa 4:4; 2Ch 16:12.
t. Leprosy. Le 13:2; 2Ki 5:1.
u. Loss of appetite. Job 33:20; Ps 107:18.
v. Lunacy. Mt 4:24; 17:15.
w. Melancholy. 1Sa 16:14.
x. Palsy. Mt 8:6; 9:2.
y. Plague. Nu 11:33; 2Sa 24:15,21,25.
z. Scab. De 28:27.
A. Sunstroke. 2Ki 4:18-20; Isa 49:10.
B. Ulcers. Isa 1:6; Lu 16:20.
C. Worms. Ac 12:23.
10. Children subject to. 2Sa 12:15; 1Ki 17:17.
11. Frequently
a. Loathsome. Ps 38:7; 41:8.
b. Painful. 2Ch 21:15; Job 33:19.
c. Tedious. De 28:59; Joh 5:5; Lu 13:16.
d. Complicated. De 28:60,61; Ac 28:8.
e. Incurable. 2Ch 21:18; Jer 14:19.
12. Physicians undertook the cure of. Jer 8:22; Mt 9:12; Lu 4:23.
13. Medicine used for curing. Pr 17:22; Isa 1:6.
14. Art of curing, defective. Job 13:4; Mr 5:26.
15. God often entreated to cure. 2Sa 12:16; 2Ki 20:1-3; Ps 6:2; Jas 5:14.
16. Not looking to God in, condemned. 2Ch 16:12.
17. Those afflicted with
a. Anointed. Mr 6:13; Jas 5:14.
b. Often laid in the streets to receive advice from passers by. Mr 6:56; Ac 5:15.
c. Often divinely supported. Ps 41:3.
d. Often divinely cured. 2Ki 20:5; Jas 5:15.
18. Illustrative of sin. Isa 1:5.