1. Peopled by Mizraim’s posterity. Ge 10:6,13,14.
2. Boundaries of. Eze 29:10.
3. Dry climate of. De 11:10,11.
4. Watered by the Nile. Ge 41:1-3; Ex 1:22.
5. Inundations of, alluded to. Am 8:8.
6. Subject to plague, &c. De 7:15; 28:27,60.
7. Sometimes visited by famine. Ge 41:30.
8. Called
a. The land of Ham. Ps 105:23; 106:22.
b. The South. Jer 13:19; Da 11:14,25.
c. Sihor. Isa 23:3.
d. Rahab. Ps 87:4; 89:10.
e. House of Bondmen. Ex 13:3,14; De 7:8.
9. Celebrated for
a. Fertility. Ge 13:10; 45:18.
b. Wealth. Heb 11:26.
c. Literature. 1Ki 4:30; Ac 7:22.
d. Fine horses. 1Ki 10:28,29.
e. Fine linen, &c. Pr 7:16; Isa 19:9.
f. Commerce. Ge 41:57; Eze 27:7.
10. Religion of, idolatrous. Ex 12:12; Nu 33:4; Isa 19:1; Eze 29:7.
11. Idolatry of, followed by Israel. Ex 32:4; Eze 20:8,19.
12. Magic practised in. Ex 7:11,12,22; 8:7.
13. Ruled by kings who assumed the name of Pharaoh. Ge 12:14,15; 40:1,2; Ex 1:8,22.
14. Under a governor. Ge 41:41-44.
15. Had princes and counsellors. Ge 12:15; Isa 19:11.
16. As a power was
a. Proud and arrogant. Eze 29:3; 30:6.
b. Pompous. Eze 32:12.
c. Mighty. Isa 30:2,3.
d. Ambitious of conquests. Jer 46:8.
e. Treacherous. Isa 36:6; 29:6,7.
17. Inhabitants of
a. Superstitious. Isa 19:3.
b. Hospitable. Ge 47:5,6; 1Ki 11:18.
c. Often intermarried with strangers. Ge 21:21; 1Ki 3:1; 11:19; 1Ch 2:34,35.
d. Abhorred shepherds. Ge 46:34.
e. Abhorred the sacrifice of oxen, &c. Ex 8:26.
f. Not to be abhorred by Israel. De 23:7.
g. Might be received into the congregation in the third generation. De 23:8.
18. Mode of entertaining in. Ge 43:32-34.
19. Diet used in. Nu 11:5.
20. Mode of embalming in. Ge 50:3.
21. Often a refuge to strangers. Ge 12:10; 47:4; 1Ki 11:17,40; 2Ki 25:26; Mt 2:12,13.
22. The armies of
a. Described. Ex 14:7-9.
b. Destroyed in the Red Sea. Ex 14:23-28.
c. Captured and burned Gezer. 1Ki 9:16.
d. Besieged and plundered Jerusalem in Rehoboam’s time. 1Ki 14:25,26.
e. Invaded Assyria and killed Josiah who assisted it. 2Ki 23:29.
f. Deposed Jehoahaz and made Judea tributary. 2Ki 23:31-35.
g. Assistance of, sought by Judah against the Chaldees. Eze 17:15; Jer 37:5,7.
23. History of Israel in
a. Their sojourn in it, foretold. Ge 15:13.
b. Joseph sold into. Ge 37:28; 39:1.
c. Potiphar blessed for Joseph’s sake. Ge 39:2-6.
d. Joseph unjustly cast into prison. Ge 39:7-20.
e. Joseph interprets the chief baker’s and the chief butler’s dreams. Ge 40:5-19.
f. Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams. Ge 41:14-32.
g. Joseph counsels Pharaoh. Ge 41:33-36.
h. Joseph made governor. Ge 41:41-44.
i. Joseph’s successful provision against the years of famine. Ge 41:46-56.
j. Joseph’s ten brethren arrive. Ge 42:1-6.
k. Joseph recognises his brethren. Ge 42:7,8.
l. Benjamin brought. Ge 43:15.
m. Joseph makes himself known to his brethren. Ge 45:1-8.
n. Joseph sends for his father. Ge 45:9-11.
o. Pharaoh invites Jacob into. Ge 45:16-20.
p. Jacob’s journey. Ge 46:5-7.
q. Jacob, &c presented to Pharaoh. Ge 47:1-10.
r. Israel placed in the land of Goshen. Ge 46:34; 47:11,27.
s. Joseph enriches the king. Ge 47:13-26.
t. Jacob’s death and burial. Ge 49:33; 50:1-13.
u. Israel increases and are oppressed. Ex 1:1-14.
v. Male children destroyed. Ex 1:15-22.
w. Moses born and hid for three months. Ex 2:2.
x. Moses exposed on the Nile. Ex 2:3,4.
y. Moses adopted and brought up by Pharaoh’s daughter. Ex 2:5-10.
z. Moses slays an Egyptian. Ex 2:11,12.
A. Moses flies to Midian. Ex 2:15.
B. Moses sent to Pharaoh. Ex 3:2-10.
C. Pharaoh increases their affliction. Ex 5:1-23.
D. Moses proves his divine mission by miracles. Ex 4:29-31; 7:10.
E. Egypt is plagued for Pharaoh’s obstinacy. Ex 7:14-10:29.
F. The passover instituted. Ex 12:1-28.
G. Destruction of the first-born. Ex 12:29,30.
H. Israel spoils the Egyptians. Ex 12:35,36.
I. Israel driven out of. Ex 12:31-33.
J. Date of the Exodus. Ex 12:41; Heb 11:27.
K. Pharaoh pursues Israel and is miraculously destroyed. Ex 14:5-25.
24. Prophecies respecting
a. Dismay of its inhabitants. Isa 19:1,16,17.
b. Infatuation of its princes. Isa 19:3,11-14.
c. Failure of internal resources. Isa 19:5-10.
d. Civil war and domestic strife. Isa 19:2.
e. Armies destroyed by Babylon. Jer 46:2-12.
f. Invasion by Babylon. Jer 46:13,24; Eze 32:11.
g. Destruction of its power. Eze 30:24,25.
h. Destruction of its cities. Eze 30:14-18.
i. Destruction of its idols. Jer 43:12,13; 46:25; Eze 30:13.
j. Spoil of, a reward to Babylon for services against Tyre. Eze 29:18-20.
k. Captivity of its people. Isa 20:4; Jer 46:19,24,26; Eze 30:4.
l. Utter desolation of, for forty years. Eze 29:8-12; 30:12; 32:15.
m. Allies to share its misfortunes. Eze 30:4,6.
n. The Jews who practised its idolatry to share its punishments. Jer 44:7-28.
o. Terror occasioned by its fall. Eze 32:9,10.
p. Ever to be a base kingdom. Eze 29:15.
q. Christ to be called out of. Ho 11:1; Mt 2:15.
r. Conversion of. Isa 19:18-20.
s. To be numbered and blessed along with Israel. Isa 19:23-25.
t. Prophetic illustration of its destruction. Jer 43:9,10; Eze 30:21,22; 32:4-6.