1. Is the substance of things hoped for. Heb 11:1.
2. Is the evidence of things not seen. Heb 11:1.
3. Commanded. Mt 11:22; 1Jo 3:23.
4. The objects of, are
a. God. Joh 14:1.
b. Christ. Joh 6:29; Ac 20:21.
c. Writings of Moses. Joh 5:46; Ac 24:14.
d. Writings of the prophets. 2Ch 20:20; Ac 26:27.
e. The gospel. Mr 1:15.
f. Promises of God. Ro 4:21; Heb 11:13.
5. In Christ is
a. The gift of God. Ro 12:3; Eph 2:8; 6:23; Php 1:29.
b. The work of God. Ac 11:21; 1Co 2:5.
c. Precious. 2Pe 1:1.
d. Most holy. Jude 1:20.
e. Fruitful. 1Th 1:3.
f. Accompanied by repentance. Mr 1:15; Lu 24:47.
g. Followed by conversion. Ac 11:21.
6. Christ is the Author and Finisher of. Heb 12:2.
7. Is a gift of the Holy Spirit. 1Co 12:9.
8. The Scriptures designed to produce. Joh 20:31; 2Ti 3:15.
9. Preaching designed to produce. Joh 17:20; Ac 8:12; Ro 10:14,15,17; 1Co 3:5.
10. Through it is
a. Remission of sins. Ac 10:43; Ro 3:25.
b. Justification. Ac 13:39; Ro 3:21,22,28,30; 5:1; Ga 2:16.
c. Salvation. Mr 16:16; Ac 16:31.
d. Sanctification. Ac 15:9; 26:18.
e. Spiritual light. Joh 12:36,46.
f. Spiritual life. Joh 20:31; Ga 2:20.
g. Eternal life. Joh 3:15,16; 6:40,47.
h. Rest in heaven. Heb 4:3.
i. Edification. 1Ti 1:4; Jude 1:20.
j. Preservation. 1Pe 1:5.
k. Adoption. Joh 1:12; Ga 3:26.
l. Access to God. Ro 5:2; Eph 3:12.
m. Inheritance of the promises. Ga 3:22; Heb 6:12.
n. The gift of the Holy Spirit. Ac 11:15-17; Ga 3:14; Eph 1:13.
11. Impossible to please God without. Heb 11:6.
12. Justification is by, to be of grace. Ro 4:16.
13. Essential to the profitable reception of the gospel. Heb 4:2.
14. Necessary in the Christian warfare. 1Ti 1:18,19; 6:12.
15. The gospel effectual in those who have. 1Th 2:13.
16. Excludes self-justification. Ro 10:3,4.
17. Excludes boasting. Ro 3:27.
18. Works by love. Ga 5:6; 1Ti 1:5; Phm 1:5.
19. Produces
a. Hope. Ro 5:2.
b. Joy. Ac 16:34; 1Pe 1:8.
c. Peace. Ro 15:13.
d. Confidence. Isa 28:16; 1Pe 2:6.
e. Boldness in preaching. Ps 116:10; 2Co 4:13.
f. Christ is precious to those having. 1Pe 2:7.
g. Christ dwells in the heart by. Eph 3:17.
h. Necessary in prayer. Mt 21:22; Jas 1:6.
i. Those who are not Christ’s have not. Joh 10:26,27.
j. An evidence of the new birth. 1Jo 5:1.
20. By it saints
a. Live. Ga 2:20.
b. Stand. Ro 11:20; 2Co 1:24.
c. Walk. Ro 4:12; 2Co 5:7.
d. Obtain a good report. Heb 11:2.
e. Overcome the world. 1Jo 5:4,5.
f. Resist the devil. 1Pe 5:9.
g. Overcome the devil. Eph 6:16.
h. Are supported. Ps 27:13; 1Ti 4:10.
21. Saints die in. Heb 11:13.
22. Saints should
a. Be sincere in. 1Ti 1:5; 2Ti 1:5.
b. Abound in. 2Co 8:7.
c. Continue in. Ac 14:22; Col 1:23.
d. Be strong in. Ro 4:20-24.
e. Stand fast in. 1Co 16:13.
f. Be grounded and settled in. Col 1:23.
g. Hold, with a good conscience. 1Ti 1:19.
h. Pray for the increase of. Lu 17:5.
i. Have full assurance of. 2Ti 1:12; Heb 10:22.
23. True, evidenced by its fruits. Jas 2:21-25.
24. Without fruits, is dead. Jas 2:17,20,26.
25. Examine whether you be in. 2Co 13:5.
26. All difficulties overcome by. Mt 17:20; 21:21; Mr 9:23.
27. All things should be done in. Ro 14:22.
28. Whatever is not of, is sin. Ro 14:23.
29. Often tried by affliction. 1Pe 1:6,7.
30. Trial of, works patience. Jas 1:3.
31. The wicked often profess. Ac 8:13,21.
32. The wicked destitute of. Joh 10:25; 12:37; Ac 19:9; 2Th 3:2.
33. Protection of, illustrated
a. A shield. Eph 6:16.
b. A breastplate. 1Th 5:8.
34. Exemplified
a. Caleb. Nu 13:30.
b. Job. Job 19:25.
c. Shadrach, &c. Da 3:17.
d. Daniel. Da 6:10,23.
e. Peter. Mt 16:16.
f. Woman who was a sinner. Lu 7:50.
g. Nathanael. Joh 1:49.
h. Samaritans. Joh 4:39.
i. Martha. Joh 11:27.
j. The Disciples. Joh 16:30.
k. Thomas. Joh 20:28.
l. Stephen. Ac 6:5.
m. Priests. Ac 6:7.
n. Ethiopian. Ac 8:37.
o. Barnabas. Ac 11:24.
p. Sergius Paulus. Ac 13:12.
q. Philippian jailor. Ac 16:31,34.
r. Romans. Ro 1:8.
s. Colossians. Col 1:4.
t. Thessalonians. 1Th 1:3.
u. Lois. 2Ti 1:5.
v. Paul. 2Ti 4:7.
w. Abel. Heb 11:4.
x. Enoch. Heb 11:5.
y. Noah. Heb 11:7.
z. Abraham. Heb 11:8,17.
A. Isaac. Heb 11:20.
B. Jacob. Heb 11:21.
C. Joseph. Heb 11:22.
D. Moses. Heb 11:24,27.
E. Rahab. Heb 11:31.
F. Gideon &c. Heb 11:32,33,39.