Gospel, The
1. Is good tidings of great joy for all people. Lu 2:10,11,31,32.
2. Foretold. Isa 41:27; 52:7; 61:1-3; Mr 1:15.
3. Preached under the old testament. Heb 4:2.
4. Exhibits the grace of God. Ac 14:3; 20:32.
5. The knowledge of the glory of God is by. 2Co 4:4,6.
6. Life and immortality are brought to light by Jesus through. 2Ti 1:10.
7. Is the power of God to salvation. Ro 1:16; 1Co 1:18; 1Th 1:5.
8. Is glorious. 2Co 4:4.
9. Is everlasting. 1Pe 1:25; Re 14:6.
10. Preached by Christ. Mt 4:23; Mr 1:14.
11. Ministers have a stewardship to preach. 1Co 9:17.
12. Preached beforehand to Abraham. Ge 22:18; Ga 3:8.
13. Preached to
a. The Jews first. Lu 24:47; Ac 13:46.
b. The Gentiles. Mr 13:10; Ga 2:2,9.
c. The poor. Mt 11:5; Lu 4:18.
d. Every creature. Mr 16:15; Col 1:23.
14. Must be believed. Mr 1:15; Heb 4:2.
15. Brings peace. Lu 2:10,14; Eph 6:15.
16. Produces hope. Col 1:23.
17. Saints have fellowship in. Php 1:5.
18. There is fulness of blessing in. Ro 15:29.
19. Those who receive, should
a. Adhere to the truth of. Ga 1:6,7; 2:14; 2Ti 1:13.
b. Not be ashamed of. Ro 1:16; 2Ti 1:8.
c. Live in subjection to. 2Co 9:13.
d. Have their conversation becoming. Php 1:27.
e. Earnestly contend for the faith of. Php 1:17,27; Jude 1:3.
f. Sacrifice friends and property for. Mt 10:37.
g. Sacrifice life itself for. Mr 8:35.
20. Profession of, attended by afflictions. 2Ti 3:12.
21. Promises to sufferers. Mr 8:35; 10:30.
22. Be careful not to hinder. 1Co 9:12.
23. Is hid to them that are lost. 2Co 4:3.
24. Testifies to the final judgment. Ro 2:16.
25. Let him who preached another, be accursed. Ga 1:8.
26. Awful consequences of not obeying. 2Th 1:8,9.
27. Is called the
a. Dispensation of the grace of God. Eph 3:2.
b. Gospel of peace. Eph 6:15.
c. Gospel of God. Ro 1:1; 1Th 2:8; 1Pe 4:17.
d. Gospel of Christ. Ro 1:9,16; 2Co 2:12; 1Th 3:2.
e. Gospel of the grace of God. Ac 20:24.
f. Gospel of the kingdom. Mt 24:14.
g. Gospel of salvation. Eph 1:13.
h. Glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. 2Co 4:4.
i. Preaching of Jesus Christ. Ro 16:25.
j. Mystery of the gospel. Eph 6:19.
k. Word of God. 1Th 2:13.
l. Word of Christ. Col 3:16.
m. Word of grace. Ac 14:3; 20:32.
n. Word of salvation. Ac 13:26.
o. Word of reconciliation. 2Co 5:19.
p. Word of truth. Eph 1:13; Jas 1:18.
q. Word of faith. Ro 10:8.
r. Word of life. Php 2:16.
s. Ministration of the Spirit. 2Co 3:8.
t. Doctrine according to godliness. 1Ti 6:3.
u. Form of sound words. 2Ti 1:13.
28. Rejection of, by many, foretold. Isa 53:1; Ro 10:15,16.
29. Rejection of, by the Jews, a means of blessing to the Gentiles. Ro 11:28.