Law of Moses, The
1. Is the law of God. Le 26:46.
2. Given
a. In the desert. Eze 20:10,11.
b. At Horeb. De 4:10,15; 5:2.
c. From the Mount Sinai. Ex 19:11,20.
d. By disposition of angels. Ac 7:53.
e. Through Moses as mediator. De 5:5,27,28; Joh 1:17; Ga 3:19.
f. To the Jews. Le 26:46; Ps 78:5.
g. After the exodus. De 4:45; Ps 81:4,5.
h. To no other nation. De 4:8; Ps 147:20.
3. None to approach the Mount while God gave. Ex 19:13,21-24; Heb 12:20.
4. Remarkable phenomena connected with, at giving of. Ex 19:16-19.
5. Terror of Israel at receiving. Ex 19:16; 20:18-20; De 5:5,23-25.
6. Additions made to, in the plains of Moab by Jordan. Nu 36:13.
7. Called
a. A fiery law. De 33:2.
b. Word spoken by angels. Heb 2:2.
c. Ministration of death. 2Co 3:7.
d. Ministration of condemnation. 2Co 3:9.
e. Lively oracles. Ac 7:38.
f. Royal law. Jas 2:8.
g. Book of the law. De 30:10; Jos 1:8.
h. Book of Moses. 2Ch 25:4; 35:12.
8. Rehearsed by Moses. De 1:1-3.
9. Entire of, written in a book. De 31:9.
10. Book of, laid up in the sanctuary. De 31:26.
11. Tables of, laid up in the ark. De 10:5.
12. Divided into
a. Moral, embodied in the ten commandments. De 5:22; 10:4.
b. Ceremonial, relating to manner of worshipping God. Le 7:37,38; Heb 9:1-7.
c. Civil, relating to administration of justice. De 17:9-11; Ac 23:3; 24:6.
d. A covenant of works to the Jews as a nation. De 28:1,15; Jer 31:32.
13. Taught the Jews
a. To love and fear God. De 6:5; 10:12,13; Mt 22:36,38.
b. To love their neighbour. Le 19:18; Mt 22:39.
c. Strict justice and impartiality. Le 19:35,36.
d. All punishments awarded according to. Joh 8:5; 19:7; Heb 10:28.
14. All Israelites required
a. To know. Ex 18:16.
b. To observe. De 4:6; 6:2.
c. To lay up, in their hearts. De 6:6; 11:18.
d. To remember. Mal 4:4.
e. To teach their children. De 6:7; 11:19.
15. Kings to write and study. De 17:18,19.
16. Good kings enforced. 2Ki 23:24,25; 2Ch 31:21.
17. Priests and Levites to teach. De 33:8-10; Ne 8:7; Mal 2:7.
18. The scribes were learned in, and expounded. Ezr 7:6; Mt 23:2.
19. Public instruction given to youth in. Lu 2:46; Ac 22:3.
20. Publicly read
a. At the feast of tabernacles in the sabbatical year. De 31:10-13.
b. By Joshua. Jos 8:34,35.
c. By Ezra. Ne 8:2,3.
d. In the synagogues every Sabbath day. Ac 13:15; 15:21.
21. A means of national reformation. 2Ch 34:19-21; Ne 8:13-18.
22. A shadow of good things to come. Heb 10:1.
23. Could not give righteous and life. Ga 3:21; Ro 8:3,4; Heb 10:1.
24. A schoolmaster to lead to Christ. Ga 3:24.
25. Christ
a. Made under. Ga 4:4.
b. Circumcised according to. Lu 2:21; Ro 15:8.
c. Came not to destroy but to fulfil. Mt 5:17,18.
d. Attended all feasts of. Joh 2:23; 7:2,10,37.
e. Fulfilled all precepts of. Ps 40:7,8.
f. Fulfilled all types and shadows of. Heb 9:8,11-14; 10:1,11-14.
g. Magnified and made honourable. Isa 42:21.
h. Bore the curse of. De 21:23; Ga 3:13.
i. Abrogated, as a covenant of works. Ro 7:4.
26. Was not the manifestation of the grace of God. Joh 1:17; Ro 8:3,4.
27. Could not disannul the covenant of grace made in Christ. Ga 3:17.
28. Jewish converts would have all Christians observe. Ac 15:1.
29. The Jews
a. Jealous for. Joh 9:28,29; Ac 21:20.
b. Held those ignorant of, accursed. Joh 7:49.
c. From regard to, rejected Christ. Ro 9:31-33.
d. Accused Christ of breaking. Joh 19:7.
e. Accused Christians of speaking. Ac 6:11-14; 21:28.
f. Broke it themselves. Joh 7:19.
g. Dishonoured God by breaking. Ro 2:23.
h. Shall be judged by. Joh 5:45; Ro 2:12.
30. Was a burdensome yoke. Ac 15:10.
31. Darkness, &c at giving of, illustrative of obscurity of Mosaic age. Heb 12:18-24.