1. A common disease among the Jews. Lu 4:27.
2. Infected
a. Men. Lu 17:12.
b. Women. Nu 12:10.
c. Houses. Le 14:34.
d. Garments. Le 13:47.
3. An incurable disease. 2Ki 5:7.
4. Often sent as a punishment for sin. Nu 12:9,10; 2Ch 26:19.
5. Often hereditary. 2Sa 3:29; 2Ki 5:27.
6. Parts affected by
a. The hand. Ex 4:6.
b. The head. Le 13:44.
c. The forehead. 2Ch 26:19.
d. The beard. Le 13:30.
e. The whole body. Lu 5:12.
7. Often began with a bright red spot. Le 13:2,24.
8. Turned the skin white. Ex 4:6; 2Ki 5:27.
9. Turned the hair white or yellow. Le 13:3,10,30.
10. The priests
a. Judges and directors in cases of. De 24:8.
b. Examined persons suspected of. Le 13:2,9.
c. Shut up persons suspected of, seven days. Le 13:4.
d. Had rules for distinguishing. Le 13:5-44.
e. Examined all persons healed of. Le 14:2; Mt 8:4; Lu 17:14.
11. Ceremonies at cleansing of. Le 17:14.
12. Those afflicted with
a. Ceremonially unclean. Le 13:8,11,22,44.
b. Separated from intercourse with others. Nu 5:2; 12:14,15.
c. Associated together. 2Ki 7:3; Lu 17:12.
d. Dwelt in a separate house. 2Ki 15:5.
e. Cut off from God’s house. 2Ch 26:21.
f. Excluded from priest’s office. Le 22:2-4.
g. To have their heads bare, clothes rent, and lip covered. Le 13:45.
h. To cry unclean when approached. Le 13:45.
13. Less inveterate when it covered the whole body. Le 13:13.
14. Power of God manifested in curing. Nu 12:13,14; 2Ki 5:8-14.
15. Power of Christ manifested in curing. Mt 8:3; Lu 5:13; 17:13,14.
16. Christ gave power to heal. Mt 10:8.
17. Garments
a. Suspected of, shown to priest. Le 13:49.
b. Suspected of, shut up seven days. Le 13:50.
c. Infected with, to have the piece first torn out. Le 13:56.
d. Incurable infected with, burned. Le 13:51,52.
e. Suspected of, but not having, washed and pronounced clean. Le 13:53,54,58,59.
18. Houses
a. Suspected of, reported to priest. Le 14:35.
b. Suspected of, emptied. Le 14:36.
c. Suspected of, inspected by priest. Le 14:37.
d. Suspected of, shut up seven days. Le 14:38.
e. To have the part infected with, first removed, and the rest scraped, &c. Le 14:39,42.
f. Incurably infected with, pulled down and removed. Le 14:43-45.
g. Infected with, communicated uncleanness to everyone who entered them. Le 14:46,47.
h. Suspected of, but not infected, pronounced clean. Le 14:48.
i. Ceremonies at cleansing of. Le 14:49-53.