Miracles Wrought Through Servants of God
1. Moses and Aaron
a. Rod turned into a serpent. Ex 4:3; 7:10.
b. Rod restored. Ex 4:4.
c. Hand made leprous. Ex 4:6.
d. Hand healed. Ex 4:7.
e. Water turned into blood. Ex 4:9,30.
f. River turned into blood. Ex 7:20.
g. Frogs brought. Ex 8:6.
h. Frogs removed. Ex 8:13.
i. Lice brought. Ex 8:17.
j. Flies brought. Ex 8:21-24.
k. Flies removed. Ex 8:31.
l. Murrain of beasts. Ex 9:3-6.
m. Boils and blains brought. Ex 9:10,11.
n. Hail brought. Ex 9:23.
o. Hail removed. Ex 9:33.
p. Locusts brought. Ex 10:13.
q. Locust removed. Ex 10:19.
r. Darkness brought. Ex 10:22.
s. The first-born destroyed. Ex 12:29.
t. The red-sea divided. Ex 14:21,22.
u. Egyptians overwhelmed. Ex 14:26-28.
v. Water sweetened. Ex 15:25.
w. Water from rock in Horeb. Ex 17:6.
x. Amalek vanquished. Ex 17:11-13.
y. Destruction of Korah. Nu 16:28-32.
z. Water from rock in Kadesh. Nu 20:11.
A. Healing by brazen serpent. Nu 21:8,9.
2. Joshua
a. Waters of Jordan divided. Jos 3:10-17.
b. Jordan restored to its course. Jos 4:18.
c. Jericho taken. Jos 6:6-20.
d. The sun and moon stayed. Jos 10:12-14.
3. Gideon
a. Midianites destroyed. Jdj 7:16-22.
4. Samson
a. A lion killed. Jdj 14:6.
b. Philistines killed. Jdj 14:19; 15:15.
c. The gates of Gaza carried away. Jdj 16:3.
d. Dagon’s house pulled down. Jdj 16:30.
5. Samuel
a. Thunder and rain in harvest. 1Sa 12:18.
6. The prophet of Judah
a. Jeroboam’s hand withered. 1Ki 13:4.
b. The altar rent. 1Ki 13:5.
c. The withered hand restored. 1Ki 13:6.
7. Elijah
a. Drought caused. 1Ki 17:1; Jas 5:17.
b. Meal and oil multiplied. 1Ki 17:14-16.
c. A child restored to life. 1Ki 17:22,23.
d. Sacrifice consumed by fire. 1Ki 18:36,38.
e. Men destroyed by fire. 2Ki 1:10-12.
f. Rain brought. 1Ki 18:41-45; Jas 5:18.
g. Waters of Jordan divided. 2Ki 2:8.
h. Taken to heaven. 2Ki 2:11.
8. Elisha
a. Waters of Jordan divided. 2Ki 2:14.
b. Waters healed. 2Ki 2:21,22.
c. Children torn by bears. 2Ki 2:24.
d. Oil multiplied. 2Ki 4:1-7.
e. Child restored to life. 2Ki 4:32-35.
f. Naaman healed. 2Ki 5:10,14.
g. Gehazi struck with leprosy. 2Ki 5:27.
h. Iron caused to swim. 2Ki 6:6.
i. Syrians smitten with blindness. 2Ki 6:20.
j. Syrians restored to sight. 2Ki 6:20.
k. A man restored to life. 2Ki 13:21.
9. Isaiah
a. Hezekiah healed. 2Ki 20:7.
b. Shadow put back on the dial. 2Ki 20:11.
10. The seventy disciples
a. Various miracles. Lu 10:9,17.
11. The apostles
a. Many miracles. Ac 2:43; 5:12.
12. Peter
a. Lame man cured. Ac 3:7.
b. Death of Ananias. Ac 5:5.
c. Death of Sapphira. Ac 5:10.
d. The sick healed. Ac 5:15,16.
e. AEneas made whole. Ac 9:34.
f. Dorcas restored to life. Ac 9:40.
13. Stephen
a. Great miracles. Ac 6:8.
14. Philip
a. Various miracles. Ac 8:6,7,13.
15. Paul
a. Elymas smitten with blindness. Ac 13:11.
b. Lame man cured. Ac 14:10.
c. An unclean spirit cast out. Ac 16:18.
d. Special miracles. Ac 19:11,12.
e. Eutychus restored to life. Ac 20:10-12.
f. Viper’s bite made harmless. Ac 28:5.
g. Father of Publius healed. Ac 28:8.
16. Paul and Barnabas
a. Various miracles. Ac 14:3.