1. Remarkable Parables of the Old Testament. Jdj 9:8-15; 2Sa 12:1-4; 14:5-7.
2. Parables of christ
a. Wise and foolish builders. Mt 7:24-27.
b. Children of the bride chamber. Mt 9:15.
c. New cloth and old garment. Mt 9:16.
d. New wine and old bottles. Mt 9:17.
e. Unclean spirit. Mt 12:43.
f. Sower. Mt 13:3-23; Lu 8:5-15.
g. Tares. Mt 13:24-30,36-43.
h. Mustard-seed. Mt 13:31,32; Lu 13:19.
i. Leaven. Mt 13:33.
j. Treasure hid in a field. Mt 13:44.
k. Pearl of great price. Mt 13:45,46.
l. Net cast into the sea. Mt 13:47-50.
m. Meats defiling not. Mt 15:10-15.
n. Unmerciful servant. Mt 18:23-35.
o. Labourers hired. Mt 20:1-16.
p. Two sons. Mt 21:28-32.
q. Wicked husbandmen. Mt 21:33-45.
r. Marriage-feast. Mt 22:2-14.
s. Fig-tree leafing. Mt 24:32-34.
t. Man of the house watching. Mt 24:43.
u. Faithful, and evil servants. Mt 24:45-51.
v. Ten virgins. Mt 25:1-13.
w. Talents. Mt 25:14-30.
x. Kingdom, divided against itself. Mr 3:24.
y. House, divided against itself. Mr 3:25.
z. Strong man armed. Mr 3:27; Lu 11:21.
3. Seed growing secretly. Mr 4:26-29.
4. Lighted candle. Mr 4:21; Lu 11:33-36.
5. Man taking a far journey. Mr 13:34-37.
6. Blind leading the blind. Lu 6:39.
7. Beam and mote. Lu 6:41,42.
8. Tree and its fruit. Lu 6:43-45.
9. Creditor and debtors. Lu 7:41-47.
10. Good Samaritan. Lu 10:30-37.
11. Importunate friend. Lu 11:5-9.
12. Rich fool. Lu 12:16-21.
13. Cloud and wind. Lu 12:54-57.
14. Barren fig-tree. Lu 13:6-9.
15. Men bidden to a feast. Lu 14:7-11.
16. Builder of a tower. Lu 14:28-30,33.
17. King going to war. Lu 14:31-33.
18. Savour of salt. Lu 14:34,35.
19. Lost sheep. Lu 15:3-7.
20. Lost piece of silver. Lu 15:8-10.
21. Prodigal son. Lu 15:11-32.
22. Unjust steward. Lu 16:1-8.
23. Rich man and Lazarus. Lu 16:19-31.
24. Importunate widow. Lu 18:1-8.
25. Pharisee and Publican. Lu 18:9-14.
26. Pounds. Lu 19:12-27.
27. Good Shepherd. Joh 10:1-6.
28. Vine and branches. Joh 15:1-5.