1. Receive their children from God. Ge 33:5; 1Sa 1:27; Ps 127:3.
2. Their duty to their children is
a. To love them. Tit 2:4.
b. To bring them to Christ. Mt 19:13,14.
c. To train them up for God. Pr 22:6; Eph 6:4.
d. To instruct them in God’s word. De 4:9; 11:19; Isa 38:19.
e. To tell them of God’s judgments. Joe 1:3.
f. To tell them of the miraculous works of God. Ex 10:2; Ps 78:4.
g. To command them to obey God. De 32:46; 1Ch 28:9.
h. To bless them. Ge 48:15; Heb 11:20.
i. To pity them. Ps 103:13.
j. To provide for them. Job 42:15; 2Co 12:14; 1Ti 5:8.
k. To rule them. 1Ti 3:4,12.
l. To correct them. Pr 13:24; 19:18; 23:13; 29:17; Heb 12:7.
m. Not to provoke them. Eph 6:4; Col 3:21.
n. Not to make unholy connections for them. Ge 24:1-4; 28:1,2.
3. Wicked children, a cause of grief to. Pr 10:1; 17:25.
4. Should pray for their children
a. For their spiritual welfare. Ge 17:18; 1Ch 29:19.
b. When in temptation. Job 1:5.
c. When in sickness. 2Sa 12:16; Mr 5:23; Joh 4:46,49.
5. When Faithful
a. Are blessed by their children. Pr 31:28.
b. Leave a blessing to their children. Ps 112:2; Pr 11:21; Isa 65:23.
6. Sins of, visited on their children. Ex 20:5; Isa 14:20; La 5:7.
7. Negligence of, sorely punished. 1Sa 3:13.
8. When wicked
a. Instruct their children in evil. Jer 9:14; 1Pe 1:18.
b. Set a bad example to their children. Eze 20:18; Am 2:4.
9. Good - Exemplified
a. Abraham. Ge 18:19.
b. Jacob. Ge 44:20,30.
c. Joseph. Ge 48:13-20.
d. Mother of Moses. Ex 2:2,3.
e. Manoah. Jdj 13:8.
f. Hannah. 1Sa 1:28.
g. David. 2Sa 18:5,33.
h. Shunammite. 2Ki 4:19,20.
i. Job. Job 1:5.
j. Mother of Lemuel. Pr 31:1.
k. Nobleman. Joh 4:49.
l. Lois and Eunice. 2Ti 1:5.
10. Bad - Exemplified
a. Mother of Micah. Jdj 17:3.
b. Eli. 1Sa 3:13.
c. Saul. 1Sa 20:33.
d. Athaliah. 2Ch 22:3.
e. Manasseh. 2Ch 33:6.
f. Herodias. Mr 6:24.