1. God gives reproof to his own children. 2Sa 7:14; Job 5:17; Ps 94:12; 119:67,71,75; Heb 12:6,7.
2. God gives, to the wicked. Ps 50:21; Isa 51:20.
3. Christ sent to give. Isa 2:4; 11:3.
4. The Holy Spirit gives. Joh 16:7,8.
5. Christ gives, in love. Re 3:19.
6. On account of
a. Impenitence. Mt 11:20-24.
b. Not understanding. Mt 16:9,11; Mr 7:18; Lu 24:25; Joh 8:43; 13:7,8.
c. Hardness of heart. Mr 8:17; 16:14.
d. Fearfulness. Mr 4:40; Lu 24:37,38.
e. Unbelief. Mt 17:17,20; Mr 16:14.
f. Vain boasting. Lu 22:34.
g. Hypocrisy. Mt 15:7; 23:13.
h. Reviling Christ. Lu 23:40.
i. Unruly conduct. 1Th 5:14.
j. Oppressing out brethren. Ne 5:7.
k. Sinful practices. Mt 21:13; Lu 3:19; Joh 2:16.
7. The Scriptures are profitable for. Ps 19:7-11; 2Ti 3:16.
8. When from God
a. Is for correction. Ps 39:11.
b. Is despised by the wicked. Pr 1:30.
c. Should not discourage saints. Heb 12:5.
d. Pray that it be not be in anger. Ps 6:1.
e. Should be accompanied by exhortation to repentance. 1Sa 12:20-25.
9. Declared to be
a. Better than secret love. Pr 27:5.
b. Better than the praise of fools. Ec 7:5.
c. An excellent oil. Ps 141:5.
d. More profitable to saints, than stripes to a fool. Pr 17:10.
10. A proof of faithful friendship. Pr 27:6.
11. Leads to
a. Understanding. Pr 15:32.
b. Knowledge. Pr 19:25.
c. Wisdom. Pr 15:31; 29:15.
d. Honour. Pr 13:18.
e. Happiness. Pr 6:23.
12. Eventually brings more respect than flattery. Pr 28:23.
13. Of those who offend, a warning to others. Le 19:17; Ac 5:3,4,9; 1Ti 5:20; Tit 1:10,13.
14. Hypocrites not qualified to give. Mt 7:5.
15. Ministers are sent to give. Jer 44:4; Eze 3:17.
16. Ministers are empowered to give. Mic 3:8.
17. Ministers should give
a. Openly. 1Ti 5:20.
b. Fearlessly. Eze 2:3-7.
c. With all authority. Tit 2:15.
d. With longsuffering &c. 2Ti 4:2.
e. Unreservedly. Isa 58:1.
f. Sharply, if necessary. Tit 1:13.
g. With Christian love. 2Th 3:15.
18. They who give, are hated by scorners. Pr 9:8; 15:12.
19. Hatred of, a proof of brutishness. Pr 12:1.
20. Hatred of, leads to destruction. Pr 15:10; 29:1.
21. Contempt of, leads to remorse. Pr 5:12.
22. Rejection of, leads to error. Pr 10:17.
23. Saints should
a. Give. Le 19:17; Eph 5:11.
b. Give no occasion for. Php 2:15.
c. Receive kindly. Ps 141:5.
d. Love those who give. Pr 9:8.
e. Delight in those who give. Pr 24:25.
24. Attention to a proof of prudence. Pr 15:5.
25. Exemplified
a. Samuel. 1Sa 13:13.
b. Nathan. 2Sa 12:7-9.
c. Ahijah. 1Ki 14:7-11.
d. Elijah. 1Ki 21:20.
e. Elisha. 2Ki 5:26.
f. Joab. 1Ch 21:3.
g. Shemaiah. 2Ch 12:5.
h. Hanani. 2Ch 16:7.
i. Zechariah. 2Ch 24:20.
j. Daniel. Da 5:22,23.
k. John the Baptist. Mt 3:7; Lu 3:19.
l. Stephen. Ac 7:51.
m. Peter. Ac 8:20.
n. Paul. 1Co 1:10-13; 5:1-5; 6:1-8; 11:17-22; Ga 2:11.