Resurrection, The
1. A doctrine of the Old Testament. Job 19:26; Ps 16:10; 49:15; Isa 26:19; Da 12:2; Ho 13:14.
2. A first principle of the gospel. 1Co 15:13,14; Heb 6:1,2.
3. Expected by the Jews. Joh 11:24; Heb 11:35.
4. Denied by the Sadducees. Mt 22:23; Lu 20:27; Ac 23:8.
5. Explained away by false teachers. 2Ti 2:18.
6. Called in question by some in the church. 1Co 15:12.
7. Is not incredible. Mr 12:24; Ac 26:8.
8. Is not contrary to reason. Joh 12:24; 1Co 15:35-49.
9. Assumed and proved by our Lord. Mt 22:29-32; Lu 14:14; Joh 5:28,29.
10. Preached by the Apostles. Ac 4:2; 17:18; 24:15.
11. Credibility of, shown by the resurrection of individuals. Mt 9:25; 27:53; Lu 7:14; Joh 11:44; Heb 11:35.
12. Certainty of, proved by the resurrection of Christ. 1Co 15:12-20.
13. Effected by the power of
a. God. Mt 22:29.
b. Christ. Joh 5:28,29; 6:39,40,44.
c. The Holy Spirit. Ro 8:11.
14. Shall be of all the dead. Joh 5:28; Ac 24:15; Re 20:13.
15. Saints in, shall
a. Rise through Christ. Joh 11:25; Ac 4:2; 1Co 15:21,22.
b. Rise first. 1Co 15:23; 1Th 4:16.
c. Rise to eternal life. Da 12:2; Joh 5:29.
d. Be glorified with Christ. Col 3:4.
e. Be as the angels. Mt 22:30.
f. Have incorruptible bodies. 1Co 15:42.
g. Have glorious bodies. 1Co 15:43.
h. Have powerful bodies. 1Co 15:43.
i. Have spiritual bodies. 1Co 15:44.
j. Have bodies like Christ’s. Php 3:21; 1Jo 3:2.
k. Be recompensed. Lu 14:14.
16. Saints should look forward to. Da 12:13; Php 3:11; 2Co 5:1.
17. Of saints shall be followed by the change of those then alive. 1Co 15:51; 1Th 4:17.
18. The preaching of, caused
a. Mocking. Ac 17:32.
b. Persecution. Ac 23:6; 24:11-15.
19. Blessedness of those who have part in the first. Re 20:6.
20. Of the wicked, shall be to
a. Shame and everlasting contempt. Da 12:2.
b. Damnation. Joh 5:29.
21. Illustrative of the new birth. Joh 5:25.
22. Illustrated. Eze 37:1-10; 1Co 15:36,37.