1. The true riches. Eph 3:8; 1Co 1:30; Col 2:3; 1Pe 2:7.
2. God gives. 1Sa 2:7; Ec 5:19.
3. To God belongs this world’s riches. Hag 2:8.
4. God gives power to obtain. De 8:18.
5. The blessing of the Lord brings. Pr 10:22.
6. Give worldly power. Pr 22:7.
7. Described as
a. Temporary. Pr 27:24.
b. Uncertain. 1Ti 6:17.
c. Unsatisfying. Ec 4:8; 5:10.
d. Corruptible. Jas 5:2; 1Pe 1:18.
e. Fleeting. Pr 23:5; Re 18:16,17.
f. Deceitful. Mt 13:22.
g. Liable to be stolen. Mt 6:19.
h. Perishable. Jer 48:36.
i. Thick clay. Hab 2:6.
8. Often an obstruction to the reception of the gospel. Mr 10:23-25.
9. Deceitfulness of, chokes the word. Mt 13:22.
10. The love of, the root of all evil. 1Ti 6:10.
11. Often lead to
a. Pride. Eze 28:5; Ho 12:8.
b. Forgetting God. De 8:13,14.
c. Denying God. Pr 30:8,9.
d. Forsaking God. De 32:15.
e. Rebelling against God. Ne 9:25,26.
f. Rejecting Christ. Mt 19:22; 10:22.
g. Self-sufficiency. Pr 28:11.
h. Anxiety. Ec 5:12.
i. An overbearing spirit. Pr 18:23.
j. Violence. Mic 6:12.
k. Oppression. Jas 2:6.
l. Fraud. Jas 5:4.
m. Sensual indulgence. Lu 16:19; Jas 5:5.
12. Life consists not in abundance of. Lu 12:15.
13. Be not over-anxious for. Pr 30:8.
14. Labour not for. Pr 23:4.
15. They who covet
a. Fall into temptation and a snare. 1Ti 6:9.
b. Fall into hurtful lusts. 1Ti 6:9.
c. Err from the faith. 1Ti 6:10.
d. Use unlawful means to acquire. Pr 28:20.
e. Bring trouble on themselves. 1Ti 6:10.
f. Bring trouble on their families. Pr 15:27.
16. Profit not in the day of wrath. Pr 11:4.
17. Cannot secure prosperity. Jas 1:11.
18. Cannot redeem the soul. Ps 49:6-9; 1Pe 1:18.
19. Cannot deliver in the day of God’s wrath. Zep 1:18; Re 6:15-17.
20. They who possess, should
a. Ascribe them to God. 1Ch 29:12.
b. Not trust in them. Job 31:24; 1Ti 6:17.
c. Not set the heart on them. Ps 62:10.
d. Not boast of obtaining them. De 8:17.
e. Not glory in them. Jer 9:23.
f. Not hoard them up. Mt 6:19.
g. Devote them to God’s service. 1Ch 29:3; Mr 12:42-44.
h. Give of them to the poor. Mt 19:21; 1Jo 3:17.
i. Use them in promoting the salvation of others. Lu 16:9.
j. Be liberal in all things. 1Ti 6:18.
k. Esteem it a privilege to be allowed to give. 1Ch 29:14.
l. Not to be high-minded. 1Ti 6:17.
m. When converted, rejoice in being humbled. Jas 1:9,10.
21. Heavenly treasures superior to. Mt 6:19,20.
22. Of the wicked laid up for the just. Pr 13:22.
23. The wicked
a. Often increase in. Ps 73:12.
b. Often spend their day in. Job 21:13.
c. Swallow down. Job 20:15.
d. Trust in the abundance of. Ps 52:7.
e. Heap up. Job 27:16; Ps 39:6; Ec 2:26.
f. Keep, to their hurt. Ec 5:13.
g. Boast themselves in. Ps 49:6; 52:7.
h. Profit not by. Pr 11:4; 13:7; Ec 5:11.
i. Have trouble with. Pr 15:6; 1Ti 6:9,10.
j. Must leave, to others. Ps 49:10.
24. Vanity of heaping up. Ps 39:6; Ec 5:10,11.
25. Guilt of trusting in. Job 31:24,28; Eze 28:4,5,8.
26. Guilt of rejoicing in. Job 31:25,28.
27. Denunciations against those who
a. Get, by vanity. Pr 13:11; 21:6.
b. Get, unlawfully. Jer 17:11.
c. Increase, by oppression. Pr 22:16; Hab 2:6-8; Mic 2:2,3.
d. Hoard up. Ec 5:13,14; Jas 5:3.
e. Trust in. Pr 11:28.
f. Receive their consolation. Lu 6:24.
g. Abuse. Jas 5:1,5.
h. Spend, upon their appetite. Job 20:15-17.
i. Folly and danger of trusting to-Illustrated. Lu 12:16-21.
28. Danger of misusing-Illustrated. Lu 16:19-25.
29. Examples of saints possessing
a. Abram. Ge 13:2.
b. Lot. Ge 13:5,6.
c. Isaac. Ge 26:13,14.
d. Jacob. Ge 32:5,10.
e. Joseph. Ge 45:8,13.
f. Boaz. Ru 2:1.
g. Barzillai. 2Sa 19:32.
h. Shunammite. 2Ki 4:8.
i. David. 1Ch 29:28.
j. Jehoshaphat. 2Ch 17:5.
k. Hezekiah. 2Ch 32:27-29.
l. Job. Job 1:3.
m. Joseph of Arimathea. Mt 27:57.
n. Zacchaeus. Lu 19:2.
o. Dorcas. Ac 9:36.
30. Examples of those truly rich. Mt 5:8; 8:10; 13:45,46; Lu 10:42; Joh 1:45; Php 3:8; Jas 2:5; 1Pe 2:7; Re 3:18.
31. Examples of wicked men possessing
a. Laban. Ge 30:30.
b. Esau. Ge 36:7.
c. Nabal. 1Sa 25:2.
d. Haman. Es 5:11.
e. Ammonites. Jer 49:4.
f. People of Tyre. Eze 28:5.
g. Young man. Mt 19:22.