1. Sent by God. De 28:59-61; 32:39; 2Sa 12:15; Ac 12:23.
2. The devil sometimes permitted to inflict. Job 2:6,7; Lu 9:39; 13:16.
3. Often brought on by intemperance. Ho 7:5.
4. Often sent as a punishment of sin. Le 26:14-16; 2Ch 21:12-15; 1Co 11:30.
5. One of God’s four sore judgments on a guilty land. Eze 14:19-21.
6. God
a. Promises to heal. Ex 23:25; 2Ki 20:5.
b. Heals. De 32:39; Ps 103:3; Isa 38:5,9.
c. Exhibits his mercy in healing. Php 2:27.
d. Exhibits his power in healing. Lu 5:17.
e. Exhibits his love in healing. Isa 38:17.
f. Often manifests saving grace to sinners during. Job 33:19-24; Ps 107:17-21.
g. Permits saints to be tried by. Job 2:5,6.
h. Strengthens saints in. Ps 41:3.
i. Comforts saints in. Ps 41:3.
j. Hears the prayers of those in. Ps 30:2; 107:18-20.
k. Preserves saints in time of. Ps 91:3-7.
l. Abandons the wicked to. Jer 34:17.
m. Persecutes the wicked by. Jer 29:18.
7. Healing of, lawful on the Sabbath. Lu 13:14-16.
8. Christ compassionate those in. Isa 53:4; Mt 8:16,17.
9. Christ healed
a. Being present. Mr 1:31; Mt 4:23.
b. Not being present. Mt 8:13.
c. By imposition of hands. Mr 6:5; Lu 13:13.
d. With a touch. Mt 8:3.
e. Through the touch of his garment. Mt 14:35,36; Mr 5:27-34.
f. With a word. Mt 8:8,13.
10. Faith required in those healed of, by Christ. Mt 9:28,29; Mr 5:34; 10:52.
11. Often incurable by human means. De 28:27; 2Ch 21:18.
12. The Apostles were endued with power to heal. Mt 10:1; Mr 16:18,20.
13. The power of healing
a. One of the miraculous gifts bestowed on the early Church. 1Co 12:9,30; Jas 5:14,15.
14. Saints
a. Acknowledge that, comes from God. Ps 31:1-8; Isa 38:12,15.
b. Are resigned under. Job 2:10.
c. Mourn under, with prayer. Isa 38:14.
d. Pray for recovery from. Isa 38:2,3.
e. Ascribe recovery from, to God. Isa 38:20.
f. Praise God for recovery from. Ps 103:1-3; Isa 38:19; Lu 17:15.
g. Thank God publicly for recovery form. Isa 38:20; Ac 3:8.
h. Feel for others in. Ps 35:13.
i. Visit those in. Mt 25:36.
15. Visiting those in, an evidence of belonging to Christ. Mt 25:34,36,40.
16. Pray for those afflicted with. Ac 28:8; Jas 5:14,15.
17. God’s aid should be sought in. 2Ch 16:12.
18. The wicked
a. Have much sorrow, with. Ec 5:17.
b. Forsake those in. 1Sa 30:13.
c. Visit not those in. Mt 25:43.
19. Not visiting those in, an evidence of not belonging to Christ. Mt 25:43,45.
20. Illustrative of sin. Le 13:45,46; Isa 1:5; Jer 8:22; Mt 9:12.