Titles and Names of Christ
1. Adam, Second. 1Co 15:45.
2. Almighty. Re 1:18.
3. Amen. Re 3:14.
4. Alpha and Omega. Re 1:8; 22:13.
5. Advocate. 1Jo 2:1.
6. Angel. Ge 48:16; Ex 23:20,21.
7. Angel of the Lord. Ex 3:2; Jdj 13:15-18.
8. Angel of God’s presence. Isa 63:9.
9. Apostle. Heb 3:1.
10. Arm of the Lord. Isa 51:9; 53:1.
11. Author and Finisher or our faith. Heb 12:2.
12. Blessed and only Potentate. 1Ti 6:15.
13. Beginning of the creation of God. Re 3:14.
14. Branch. Jer 23:5; Zec 3:8; 6:12.
15. Bread of Life. Joh 6:35,48.
16. Captain of the Lord’s hosts. Jos 5:14,15.
17. Captain of salvation. Heb 2:10.
18. Chief Shepherd. 1Pe 5:4.
19. Christ of God. Lu 9:20.
20. Consolation of Israel. Lu 2:25.
21. Chief Corner-stone. Eph 2:20; 1Pe 2:6.
22. Commander. Isa 55:4.
23. Counsellor. Isa 9:6.
24. David. Jer 30:9; Eze 34:23.
25. Day-spring. Lu 1:78.
26. Deliverer. Ro 11:26.
27. Desire of all nations. Hag 2:7.
28. Door. Joh 10:7.
29. Elect of God. Isa 42:1.
30. Emmanuel. Isa 7:14; Mt 1:23.
31. Eternal life. 1Jo 1:2; 5:20.
32. Everlasting Father. Isa 9:6.
33. Faithful witness. Re 1:5; 3:14.
34. First and Last. Re 1:17; 2:8.
35. First-begotten of the dead. Re 1:5.
36. First-born of every creature. Col 1:15.
37. Forerunner. Heb 6:20.
38. God. Isa 40:9; Joh 20:28.
39. God blessed for ever. Ro 9:5.
40. God’s fellow. Zec 13:7.
41. Glory of the Lord. Isa 40:5.
42. Good Shepherd. Joh 10:14.
43. Great High Priest. Heb 4:14.
44. Governor. Mt 2:6.
45. Head of the Church. Eph 5:23; Col 1:18.
46. Heir of all things. Heb 1:2.
47. Holy One. Ps 16:10; Ac 2:27,31.
48. Holy One of God. Mr 1:24.
49. Holy One of Israel. Isa 41:14.
50. Horn of salvation. Lu 1:69.
51. I AM. Ex 3:14; Joh 8:58.
52. Jehovah. Isa 26:4.
53. Jesus. Mt 1:21; 1Th 1:10.
54. Judge of Israel. Mic 5:1.
55. Just One. Ac 7:52.
56. King. Zec 9:9; Mt 21:5.
57. King of Israel. Joh 1:49.
58. King of the Jews. Mt 2:2.
59. King of Saints. Re 15:3.
60. King of Kings. 1Ti 6:15; Re 17:14.
61. Law giver. Isa 33:22.
62. Lamb. Re 5:6,12; 13:8; 21:22; 22:3.
63. Lamb of God. Joh 1:29,36.
64. Leader. Isa 55:4.
65. Life. Joh 14:6; Col 3:4; 1Jo 1:2.
66. Light of the world. Joh 8:12.
67. Lion of the tribe of Judah. Re 5:5.
68. Lord of glory. 1Co 2:8.
69. Lord of all. Ac 10:36.
70. Lord our righteousness. Jer 23:6.
71. Lord God of the holy prophets. Re 22:6.
72. Lord God Almighty. Re 15:3.
73. Mediator. 1Ti 2:5.
74. Messenger of the covenant. Mal 3:1.
75. Messiah. Da 9:25; Joh 1:41.
76. Mighty God. Isa 9:6.
77. Mighty One of Jacob. Isa 60:16.
78. Morning-star. Re 22:16.
79. Nazarene. Mt 2:23.
80. Offspring of David. Re 22:16.
81. Only-begotten. Joh 1:14.
82. Our Passover. 1Co 5:7.
83. Plant of renown. Eze 34:29.
84. Prince of life. Ac 3:15.
85. Prince of peace. Isa 9:6.
86. Prince of the kings of the earth. Re 1:5.
87. Prophet. Lu 24:19; Joh 7:40.
88. Ransom. 1Ti 2:6.
89. Redeemer. Job 19:25; Isa 59:20; 60:16.
90. Resurrection and life. Joh 11:25.
91. Rock. 1Co 10:4.
92. Root of David. Re 22:16.
93. Root of Jesse. Isa 11:10.
94. Ruler of Israel. Mic 5:2.
95. Saviour. 2Pe 2:20; 3:18.
96. Servant. Isa 42:1; 52:13.
97. Shepherd and Bishop of souls. 1Pe 2:25.
98. Shiloh. Ge 49:10.
99. Son of the blessed. Mr 14:61.
100. Son of God. Lu 1:35; Joh 1:49.
101. Son of the Highest. Lu 1:32.
102. Son of David. Mt 9:27.
103. Son of man. Joh 5:27; 6:37.
104. Star. Nu 24:17.
105. Sun of righteousness. Mal 4:2.
106. Surety. Heb 7:22.
107. True God. 1Jo 5:20.
108. True Light. Joh 1:9.
109. True Vine. Joh 15:1.
110. Truth. Joh 14:6.
111. Way. Joh 14:6.
112. Wisdom. Pr 8:12.
113. Witness. Isa 55:4.
114. Wonderful. Isa 9:6.
115. Word. Joh 1:1; 5:7.
116. Word of God. Re 19:13.
117. Word of Life. 1Jo 1:1.