Titles and Names of the Wicked
1. Adversaries of the Lord. 1Sa 2:10.
2. Children of Belial. De 13:13; 2Ch 13:7.
3. Children of the devil. Ac 13:10; 1Jo 3:10.
4. Children of the wicked one. Mt 13:38.
5. Children of hell. Mt 23:15.
6. Children of base men. Job 30:8.
7. Children of fools. Job 30:8.
8. Children of strangers. Isa 2:6.
9. Children of transgression. Isa 57:4.
10. Children of disobedience. Eph 2:2; Col 3:6.
11. Children in whom is no faith. De 32:20.
12. Children of the flesh. Ro 9:8.
13. Children of iniquity. Ho 10:9.
14. Children that will not hear the law of the Lord. Isa 30:9.
15. Children of pride. Job 41:34.
16. Children of this world. Lu 16:8.
17. Children of wickedness. 2Sa 7:10.
18. Children of wrath. Eph 2:3.
19. Children that are corrupters. Isa 1:4.
20. Cursed children. 2Pe 2:14.
21. Enemies of God. Ps 37:20; Jas 4:4.
22. Enemies of the cross of Christ. Php 3:18.
23. Enemies of all righteousness. Ac 13:10.
24. Evil doers. Ps 37:1; 1Pe 2:14.
25. Evil men. Pr 4:14; 2Ti 3:13.
26. Evil generation. De 1:35.
27. Evil and adulterous generation. Mt 12:39.
28. Fools. Pr 1:7; Ro 1:22.
29. Froward generation. De 32:20.
30. Generation of vipers. Mt 3:7; 12:34.
31. Grievous revolters. Jer 6:28.
32. Haters of God. Ps 81:15; Ro 1:30.
33. Impudent children. Eze 2:4.
34. Inventors of evil things. Ro 1:30.
35. Lying children. Isa 30:9.
36. Men of the world. Ps 17:14.
37. People loaded with iniquity. Isa 1:4.
38. Perverse and crooked generation. De 32:5; Mt 17:17; Php 2:15.
39. Rebellious children. Isa 30:1.
40. Rebellious people. Isa 30:9; 65:2.
41. Rebellious house. Eze 2:5,8; 12:2.
42. Reprobates. 2Co 13:5-7.
43. Scornful, The. Ps 1:1.
44. Seed of falsehood. Isa 57:4.
45. Seed of the wicked. Ps 37:28.
46. Seed of evil doers. Isa 1:4; 14:20.
47. Serpents. Mt 23:33.
48. Servants of corruption. 2Pe 2:19.
49. Servants of sin. Joh 8:34; Ro 6:20.
50. Sinful generation. Mr 8:28.
51. Sinners. Ps 26:9; Pr 1:10.
52. Sons of Belial. 1Sa 2:12; 1Ki 21:10.
53. Sottish children. Jer 4:22.
54. Strange children. Ps 144:7.
55. Stubborn and rebellious generation. Ps 78:8.
56. Transgressors. Ps 37:38; 51:13.
57. Ungodly, The. Ps 1:1.
58. Ungodly men. Jude 1:4.
59. Unprofitable servants. Mt 25:30.
60. Untoward generation. Ac 2:40.
61. Vessels of wrath. Ro 9:22.
62. Wicked of the earth. Ps 75:8.
63. Wicked transgressors. Ps 59:5.
64. Wicked servants. Mt 25:26.
65. Wicked generation. Mt 12:45; 16:4.
66. Wicked ones. Jer 2:33.
67. Wicked doers. Ps 101:8; Pr 17:4.
68. Workers of iniquity. Ps 28:3; 36:12.