1. One of the elements of the world. Ge 1:2.
2. God originally
a. Created the firmament to divide. Ge 1:6,7.
b. Collected into one place. Ge 1:9.
c. Created fowls and fishes, &c from. Ge 1:20,21.
3. Necessary to vegetation. Ge 2:5,6; Job 14:9; Isa 1:30.
4. Some plants particularly require. Job 8:11.
5. Necessary to the comfort and happiness of man. Isa 41:17; Zec 9:11.
6. Collected in
a. Springs. Jos 15:19.
b. Pools. 1Ki 22:38; Ne 2:14.
c. Ponds. Ex 7:19; Isa 19:10.
d. Fountains. 1Ki 18:5; 2Ch 32:3.
e. Wells. Ge 21:19.
f. Brooks. 2Sa 17:20; 1Ki 18:5.
g. Streams. Ps 78:16; Isa 35:6.
h. Rivers. Isa 8:7; Jer 2:18.
i. The sea. Ge 1:9,10; Isa 11:9.
j. The clouds. Ge 1:7; Job 26:8,9.
7. Rises in vapour to the clouds. Ec 1:7; Ps 104:8.
8. Drops from the clouds in rain. De 11:11; 2Sa 21:10.
9. Described as
a. Fluid. Ps 78:16; Pr 30:4.
b. Unstable. Ge 49:4.
c. Penetrating. Ps 109:18.
d. Reflecting images. Pr 27:9.
e. Wearing the hardest substances. Job 14:19.
f. Cleansing. Eze 36:25; Eph 5:26.
g. Refreshing. Job 22:7; Pr 25:25.
10. Congealed by cold. Job 38:29; Ps 147:16,17.
11. Was used by Jews
a. As their principal beverage. Ge 24:43; 1Ki 13:19,22; 18:4; Ho 2:5.
b. For culinary purposes. Ex 12:9.
c. For washing the person. Ge 18:4; 24:32.
d. For legal purification. Ex 29:4; Heb 9:10,19.
12. Kept for purification in large waterpots. Joh 2:6.
13. Carried in vessels. Ge 21:14; 1Sa 26:11; Mr 14:13.
14. Artificial mode of conveying, into large cities. 2Ki 20:20.
15. Frequently brackish and unfit for use. Ex 15:23; 2Ki 2:19.
16. The want of, considered a great calamity. Ex 17:1-3; Nu 20:2; 2Ki 3:9,10; Isa 3:1.
17. In times of scarcity, sold at an enormous price. La 5:4.
18. Miracles connected with
a. Turned into blood. Ex 7:17,20.
b. Turned into wine. Joh 2:7-9.
c. Brought from the rock. Ex 17:6; Nu 20:11.
d. Brought from the jaw-bone of an ass. Jdj 15:19.
e. Consumed by fire from heaven. 1Ki 18:38.
f. Divided and made to stand on heap. Ex 14:21,22; Jos 3:16.
g. Trenches filled with. 2Ki 3:17-22.
h. Iron made to swim in. 2Ki 6:5,6.
i. Our Lord, &c walking on. Mt 14:26-29.
j. Healing powers communicated to. 2Ki 5:14; Joh 5:4; 9:7.
19. The world and its inhabitants once destroyed by. Ge 7:20-23; 2Pe 3:6.
20. The world not to be again destroyed by. Ge 9:8-15; 2Pe 3:7.
21. Illustrative
a. Of the support of God. Isa 8:6.
b. Of the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit. Isa 41:17,18; 44:3; Eze 36:25; Joh 7:38,39.
c. Of persecutors. Ps 124:4,5.
d. Of persecutions. Ps 88:17.
e. Of hostile armies. Isa 8:7; 17:13.
f. (Still,) of the ordinances of the gospel. Ps 23:2.
g. (Deep,) of severe affliction. Ps 66:12; 69:1; Isa 30:20; 43:2.
h. (Deep,) of counsel in the heart. Pr 20:5.
i. (Deep,) of the words of the wise of the wise. Pr 18:4.
j. (Poured out,) of the wrath of God. Ho 5:10.
k. (Poured out,) of faintness by terror. Ps 22:14.
l. (Pouring, out of buckets,) of a numerous progeny. Nu 24:7.
m. (Spilled on the ground,) of death. 2Sa 14:14.
n. (Its instability,) of a wavering disposition. Ge 49:4.
o. (Its weakness,) of faintness and cowardice. Jos 7:5; Eze 7:17.
p. (Difficulty of stopping,) of strife and contention. Pr 17:14.
q. (Rapidly flowing away,) of the career of the wicked. Job 24:18; Ps 58:7.
r. (Many,) of different nations and people. Re 17:1,15; Jer 51:13.
s. (Many,) of a variety of afflictions. 2Sa 22:17.
t. (Noise of many,) of the word of Christ. Re 1:15.
u. (Covering the sea,) of the general diffusion of the knowledge of God. Isa 11:9; Hab 2:14.